
DO THESE PEOPLE EVEN COOK!!! This is not science, although red phosphorus (used in matches) was discovered by alchemists boiling urine to make gold (because of the gold colour). Someone should make a video on that.

Honest people do. We are becoming rarer with each generation.

Good call, my scroll wheel couldn't skip that WoT fast enough. Some people just don't get it.

Technically, because "the entirety of the internet" is an exaggeration, then you have literally used the word "literally" wrong. Welcome to the cancer ward.

Oh! A mice just ran across the floor. If enough people say it, it will become right eventually.

I like how if people are to dumb to do it right they just lower the bar, USA leading the way in lower education.

Why is everyone so fricken eli...aliter....stupid these days.

I love watching stupid videos made by people that that don't understand how science works, almost as much as the responses by people that take it seriously. It is called reduction and you can do it with any liquid that contains water, like milk, broth, or even sugar water. Coke contains molasses which is black, sugar

That actually made me LOL, which is rare. Nice touch with the battery.

I think I have found a theme in pancake art.

The Mr. beard was obviously a joke, but the rest of it all seemed legit. They should have just made the stuff and put it on amazon. I would totally buy the tactical neck tie if it had a knife and a few more things.

Aah! Someone has finally discovered the psychology and economics of micro transactions. Just wait until you figure out consumer debt and how it enslaves you for the rest of your life. If you can see the problem, you can find a solution. Hint: don't take the blue pill.

Apple hardware isn't so bad, I just won't buy it because I don't want to be associated with the wankers and tosspots that do buy it, same reason I won't buy a BMW or a Rolex. The video could have been done in any tech store and the results would have been just about the same, nobody with even a bit of knowledge would

What is this world coming to? Do we really need to explain to people that putting oil in a pot and heating it up is the same thing as a deep fryer? Please tell me that nobody needed to be told that.

Seems like Apple is stretching toward relevance by following in Google's footsteps. Remember 2014 this is the year that Apple fell. On a side note when Google becomes self aware we are all going to be fucked anyhow.

I am a fan of the amazing talent and ability of certain humans to do things that make the rest of us look like two legged cattle. I am good at a lot of things but ability like this should be considered a super power. One does not have to want to hang something on a wall in order to appreciate talent that you will

Incontinence is the involuntary release of waste! Why is this a thing in Europe?

An internet for you sir! Well Trolled, damned well! If only you hadn't taken it so far the responses would have been exquisite. As for me my best ever troll elicited almost 1000 hateful responses and resulted in nearly 100 bans of varying length, the thread sadly had to be deleted because people kept digging it up and

OMG if I could find a mattress that was actually worth 40K I would buy it in an instant and die in it.