
This is why we are not all driving BMW's we all have different taste, needs, and desires. (personally cant stand BMW's or the pretentious snobs that usually drive them.) MY point was that people don't spend enough on their mattresses and too much on their cars.

Most high end mattresses come with 20yr warranty for normal use. but even if you get 10yrs out of a $2000 mattress that is only $0.07/hr for blissful rest that makes you feel good all day.

Life is a game iTrolling is an artform. ;)

Now playing

The entire chart is flawed in that it doesn't take into account that manmade global warming is a myth created and propagated by communist/liberal tree huggers to stop the progress of mankind as the dominant species on earth.

In Canada it is a fire arms acquisition and possession license, so once you have it, it would be assumed that you already have access to fire arms. The only guns that you can own that are not restricted in Canada are long rifle manual chambered, or semi-auto with no more than five center fire or 10 rim fire clip

That is the same card, the one above just does not have a cover or heat sinks.

It's common knowledge that coincidence is commonly referred to as irony. Irony is quite simply saying one thing while doing the opposite. Kind of like you calling other people know it all's, then implying that they don't know what they are talking about, now that is "IRONY". LOL

I was talking about the picture above. Gizmodo is hypocritical, not ironic.

Why would anyone do this? Are you really that stupid. These are the kind of articles and post that attract trolls. You don't leave 10lbs of rotting meat in your yard and not expect bears to come in your yard, unless there are no bears where you live. I can't help it if you're stupid, and I don't feel sorry for people

Why in the hell would you put any information about yourself on the internet? My kids knew better than that at 9 years of age. If you leave your car unlocked with the keys in it you better expect someone to steal it, doesn't make stealing right, but you are stupid if you make your self a high risk victim.

That's awesome just imagine the targeted e-mail spam. I wonder if the send cats to lonely women?

I love how we will spend 40-60K on a car that we drive for 8 hours a week and lasts for ten years but we think 8k for a mattress that we use 7 hours a day and lasts for 15 years is to expensive. (I know those are not the same numbers from everyone, I was generalizing)

Yeah, that was a liquid propane (LPG) tanker going up not oil and pipelines burst all the time natural gas pipeline explosion. Oil pipeline also have problems associated with them as well.

I would have coughed milk out of my nose when I saw that had I been drinking it. FU CandyCrush FU you are spawned from the Devil.

The problem for most people is a burger and fries with a coke cost about $10 US, everyone knows that. How many burgers can you get for a bitcoin? How about tomorrow? A currency backed by nothing has no stability, sure governments can inflate and deflate their own currency and maybe have affect on another country's as

I can't wait for open source Google cars to come out. :)

Quite simply it will be the consumers that determine what pixel density is important. Apple buyers will have to wait for a couple years to buy a higher pixel density phone or tablet, where as any other phone manufacturer will be able to incorporate it into what ever phone they are designing currently. The only benefit

I'm not sure why you think that is what they "deserved" Eric. Seems a little cold and un-empathetic. I'm sure they had a good laugh afterward as it was posted on the internet for everyone to see and doubtfully that anyone was seriously hurt. Your choice of title says a lot about you.

dude was totally cleaning crap out of his pants, and thanking god. Ain't so much fun when the bomb is coming for you is it?