
That's likely a 9ft ceiling the standard seat height being 18 inches.

That was my first though when I saw it as well. They have taken a very simple concept and made it more complicated and likely more failure prone for no reason.

definitely Yawn worthy. Most tablets are not worth talking about including the iPads. I want to see something really cool come out from one of the many companies making tablets.

Making a quantum bit is easy, reliably measuring the output is difficult enough to be impossible.

Ignorance and fear are far more dangerous than 3d printers will ever be. A common 6" boning knife from any kitchen can kill some one faster and more efficiently than a gun that takes 10 seconds to reload and fire if they don't blow up in your face. 3d printed guns are the equivalent to a blunderbuss.

I don't think the is at all attractive, but like most males I would still bang her given the chance.

That's actually coincidental not irony.

Meh! Don't put your whole shitty life online for everyone including the Governments of the world to gather up, and you wan't have anything to worry about. I'm talking to you social media, cloud users, and "internet of things". It's all about collecting information on you, even Netflix usage data says something about

And all the while he is making these comments he is thinking of all the free advertising from the corporate media he will get by making stereotypical anti-establishment canned speech, oh and the edgy use of the word fuck just takes it to a new level. Seriously, who gives a fuck.

Who gives a crap who did it first, the question is will it be easily cracked in less than 2 days? if so they may as well save the money and not put it in. Now a retinal scanner, That would be something that might make me lift an eyebrow.

Why is it every time some idiot wastes a bunch of money on some huge mindless craft project with no purpose people automatically accept it as art. Art make makes you think, contemplate, and imagine, not walk by going that's kinda cool and just as quickly forget about it. This "Artist" needs to fill out his McDonalds

While outside of my taste, obscene, and not really fitting for a tech website. I do recognize the artistic message in the video and can appreciate that. For all those that complained about watching it, no one made you click, in fact you were warned before hand. Your complaints likely stem from your primal enjoyment of

The worst ads IMO are Pop-up/under, blaring ads that start when you open a page and you have to or can't close by clicking on them, any ad that plays for more than 5 seconds without letting you skip preceding a video especially if its already played more than 3 times. Well done ads should never be in your face and if

yet you are here and so are the Ads.

Now Apple will have all your finger prints, locations and the porn you watch on your phone logged. You are so eff'd. Seriously a brand new release of hardware better be faster than anything out there or they would never sell another phone. Improved the crappy camera they has before, bout time. All this revolutionary

All things Apple are worth talking about endlessly! They could release the iTurd and everyone would talk about how wonderful it smelled. This is just a phone in a closed system, so that all the people heavily invested in iStore products will have new hardware, when they do decide to leave Apple they will not likely

So out of 31,000+ employees one tries to leave the scene of an accident for unknown reasons and Google is supposed supplicate and ask the world for their forgiveness? I have a better idea how about they just give away Google maps for free to anyone with a smart phone or computer. Really this is what you guys call news.

There is only a small portion of the population ignorant enough to believe that "666" "friday 13th" or the destination city of Helsinki abbr. "HEL" != Hell would hold any significance to the outcome of that flight. No superstition has ever been scientifically demonstrated other than coincidental instances that

Win8, WP8 and the SurfaceRT where all DOA, sure people will buy them some will even insist that they like them to make themselves feel better, but let's face it Microsoft bought Nokia because if they didn't no one would be making WP8 based phones. Microsoft will also likely pay someone to make a bunch of substandard

Unless they are saying they "could care less" because they could care less than they already did if they didn't care at all. Just saying.