
Eric Limer has an obvious bias towards all things Apple, all of his reviews of other products carry a flavor of distaste towards it. He does not try to be objective in anyway, and won't until he is finally forced to switch to the superior Android platform.

Remember the naysayers when the first PC's came out? Dot matrix printers? Cell phones, automobiles, those new fangled flying machines etc. etc. I wonder if the first cave man that saw another using a pointy stick said "why use that when a rock works just as well and they are everywhere?"

I just ate some Organic fruit salad with fat-free natural vanilla yogurt, 1/2 a cup of hummus with cucumber slices and a wheat grass smoothie. Stay tuned for high-def photos taken with a 40MP Hasselblad w/ macro lens when I crap it out in 2-3 days. This guy knows nothing about edgy relevant art.

Remember not so long ago when the "glassholes" of the time were the few self important assholes that had the audacity to use a cell phone in public? Now you go to a restaurant and watch a family of four all using their phones to text, facebook and play games instead of talking to one another. Jealousy is a ugly virtue

98% of the powder burned after the ball left the muzzle. Less powder would have probably given better velocity. Had the barrel been about 4 times longer it would be more gun like and less popcorn like.

I am not sure why every one goes on about the acidity of soft drinks when most fruit and juice has the same PH levels, as with a lot of the food we eat. Consuming excessive quantities of anything is generally bad for you especially when it contains high calories and no nutritional value. If you eat a mix of whole

The advantage to an induction system would be precise heat control, no heat from the hot plate unless the kettle was on it, no electrical connection to make between the container and the base, and you should be able to use the base with any iron based pot to make mac-n-cheese.

How the hell is a inaccurate, misfiring, 15 seconds between firing, exploding barrel .22 cal waste of plastic made on a $20000 3d printer more scary than buying a $500 semi-auto 12 gauge, or an stolen handgun for $300, or even a $12 zip gun made in a shop with a few basic hand tools? This crap isn't even news worthy.

You are better off to spend $200 on a used couch that will last you 10 years or more while you save to buy a good quality new couch. I have dressers that are 38 years old in my house used by my wife and now my kids that are still in good shape. It seems to me this is a lot more environmentally and wallet friendly that