
Ever since Taco Bell came out with the “Double Decker” taco, I’ve been using the same technique to keep my shells from breaking when I make my own tacos. Just slather some refried beans on a soft tortilla, and wrap it around the hard shell. Putting the refried beans on the outside of the shell also leaves a little

There was a line last night where Thirteen said “There’s a moment where you’re certain you’re going to die, and then you’re born...it’s terrifying.” That line more than any other really resonated with me, which is saying a lot considering how many awesome moments she had.

I’m never going to be rich, I’m never going to retire, I probably won’t live that long, and I can’t take money with me when I die.

You’re really trying to sell this as bad? A student voluntarily pays to join a private business of higher learning and the University develops a way to help their students make it all the way to educational success - graduation - and this is an evil thing? Seems that the data ID’s the students and a plan can be put in

No, the female PepsiCo CEO talked about it on Freakonomics podcast last week. As something their R&D was exploring.

My wife is the exact opposite. No matter what restaurant we go to, she will order a Caesar salad with chicken. I will order the restaurant’s speciality and she will eat about half of her salad then pick off samples of my meal and regret not ordering it.


i have 3 nanos that are still magnificent.

I use my ipod every day at the gym. Lightweight enough to know even know it’s there when I am running.

I still use an iPod shuffle from 2009...

I see what you are trying to do Potato! Sabotage your starchy cousin!

In today’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended the president’s comments, arguing that “Pocahontas” is not a racial slur and that the president’s comments were not disrespectful to the men being honored. “Why did he feel the need to say something offensive to many people?” one reporter

Wait, so people would bitch and moan about DLC, and now they’re enraged that they CAN’T pay to unlock something? Fucking kids these days.

“and it’s only divisible by one and itself”

You never cut off Tom Brokaw.

>They raised me, so I figure it’s fair that they get free Netflix
You are a nice person

This whole review could have been summed up: It is a Darren Aronofsky film.

All of mother! takes place from Lawrence’s point of view. Nearly every scene is dominated by close-ups of her face.

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