
so would that make him Mr Potat-d'oh head?

**Monkey** freaking fat finger -o-mine

got it...just google Minkey ladder...it will pop up in several different pics

Stephenson, G. R. (1967). Cultural acquisition of a specific learned response among rhesus monkeys. In: Starek, D., Schneider, R., and Kuhn, H. J. (eds.), Progress in Primatology, Stuttgart: Fischer, pp. 279-288.

For the picture? i pulled it from a slide show we had in the office. For the study...there doesnt seem to be anything that shows an actual study took place. At least not this exact one. it is possible that this "story" was derived from a similar experiment that showed male monkeys seemingly protecting females from

regardless of what state you are in...any military base you enter it is a 50 dolar fine for the violation. SOme of them add ona processing fee that raises the cost to 75.00

That is Alaska...Hawaii is 200

I didnt know we were concerned with the numbers. If we need to thin the MiniFig herd...introduce kids to a magnifying glass and the sun like when I was a kid. That is why we arent over run with little green army men.

it should be ok...they probably put a sign up...."Due to Federal Government Shutdown...."

did anyone else find Waldo in the crowd entering the stadium?

does no one see the third and fourth order effects here.

I like Dales seasoning sauce for a marinade. It already has most of the ingredients listed in the article still works on all types of meat.

I knew I should have cut clas today....

THe next movie could be filmed on location

as a solider in Germany it was a tradition to toss our boots on on the line above our formation area the day before we were due leave country

The museum from McClellan is now at Fort Leonard Wood MO. The mask is still there