looks amazing! Cannot believe that the area around it is packed with people watching
looks amazing! Cannot believe that the area around it is packed with people watching
should always spell it the way the interviewee does, so English spelling for an English person and American for Americans
Always wanted this game but never got it or even to play it :( too expensive when it came out for me
Love the bit when one Alien glides past carrying another alien..
Already does make sense as isn't anywhere near as self undulgent bullshittery as Lost was, but yes, if they get series 5 - make that the end or at least able to end it
wow, I want to try this. I don't have much fat but am carrying a few pounds I can do without.
great promo film for the camera, saw a good range of what it can do. not bad for the effects studio either but not stellar. Meh story and acting. Huge potential but not this time
Wild Cards Film and then more films TV series?? SQUEEEEE!!!! Truly excellent books, just don't wimp out and go too kid friendly, Film should be at least a15 if not 18.
Uninspired design, v poor animation and doesn't look final Alpha let alone Beta. Tabula Rasa was ahead of this 4 years ago.
indeed and not in that photo as her face looks very skeletal - oh and boobs stupid
George just give a load of cash so they can finish [www.impstherelentless.com]
Used for de-icing they are very practical
great app been using it for a while - hope now Gawker fixes the Kotaku feed for it properly
does alot of this sound like its lifted from Outcasts? Esp the splinter people and autocratic society... (I know thats an old idea but thats the most recent version I can remember)
I know he has been asked to do at least 1 game but after some of the Alien films not crediting him and other things he's very wary - oh and rather mental too (and gettng on a bit)
3 steps on Windows 7, is as easy as OSX now. XP (unsupported) and Vista (sp1 needs these steps, unsupported) were rubbish.
Loved the Avengers posters, shame they are presented in gawkers ABYSMAL gallery plugin. Couldn't get it to zoom in, is horrible to use. Sort it out.
seconded - amazing artworks
I remember watching the first launch and now I see the last. Farewell Shuttle, good work. I just hope we keep on moving into space, looking forward to affordable space travel!
I would disagree that they are dying - waning a little yes but still most titles get a 360 demo and certainly 90% of XBLA titles do. Also a large majority of paid games on Android have a demo version.