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    Alex is SO DREAMY! If BA is reading this: MORE ALEX PLEASE!

    Hey Jack - I know this is a “condensed memo” but has anyone tried doing a live reading of it to see if it even comes close to the half hour conversation they had?

    Beautiful, but there are real world problems that I think could use some attention right now. FOR EXAMPLE

    Beautiful, but there are real world problems that I think could use some attention right now. FOR EXAMPLE

    With what these are going for lately (and if you time the completed project to be finished as the new Grand Wagoneer is released), money you put into thoughtful and correct repairs will only multiply its final value.

    I’m sorry David but I have to tell you that I don’t have much faith in what you’re about to do with that Grand Wagoneer knowing that you let mud sit on your driver’s side mirror for “a few days” and then drove another 4 hours with the same mud on the same mirror. Either sell it or do this right.

    TEN YEARS! I’ve lived in my house for ten years with my name and the word “ONLY” printed on my mailbox and I’m still getting mail for the same people who no longer live at the address. I’m friends with the son of the previous owner who lived in the house in the 90's AND I STILL GET MAIL FOR THEM! I write “not at this

    Is there even a bumper there any more? What is the front end going to look like after parking in downtown NYC for a couple weeks?

    Exactly. Took me 5 months and 9 plants to get 2.5 pounds of flower with intense attention to every single plant watering up to 3 gallons each plant, each day. 

    I got wood in my woody! Grand Wagoneers combine everything that’s great about a wagon with the functionality of a 4-wheel drive truck. Happy I snagged mine 10 years ago before people realized how great these are.

    You can see them both at the Forney Museum of Transportation here in Denver.

    Two of the most popular cars at Cars and Coffee events. I shit you not.

    Well have you seen his freaking bulge? Dude definitely has a “thickie” and apparently leans to the right.

    As Mike mentioned - it is a forever car. Once you get one and live through the pain and financial suffering of keeping one on the road, it becomes your baby. It will be the last car I ever sell.

    Fun article but I’ll still take the one-year-only, 1998 5.9L ZJ pushing 245hp. Gimme those hood louvers!

    I freaking loved mine. Would burn rubber leaving stoplights - even up here a mile above sea level! Transmission proved to be the weakest link but I had a lot of fun before selling her to a local arborist.

    And to think that until recently, my family kept batteries in the freezer to keep them fresh, lol. Oops!

    I will absolutely stop if it’s a car that I have worked on before or if it looks like someone is distressed or having a hard time physically. If it’s a Grand Wagoneer - of course I’ll stop. Even just to swap side of the road stories about mine!

    I’m willing to bet mine is more fun.

    I’m not surprised. I live in Denver and now that democrats hold all three levers of power at the state Capitol, Republicans are absolutely freaking out. Already talking recall elections if our legislators “overreach.” People who live in her county must be going bonkers knowing a gay, Jewish democrat was elected their g