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    Another future Fyre festival attendee.

    Most people would think this is crazy for doing this- but this is Lifehacker right? In the summer (and on warm winter days) I start my leaf blower and walk through the house from the back door blowing pet hair and dust off plants, walls, the piano - everything, right out the front door. Done and done.

    How are we supposed to take this thing seriously with a wheel like this?

    Y’all are talking about the Gladiator while I’m over here drooling over the 87-88 Grand Wagoneer. Wowsa!

    Step 1: Facebook goes down (as it is down for me right now, lol). 

    May as well get another one in the bag before we completely destroy the planet.

    Sounds like great news! But I have one question: Who names medication? Do all the pharmaceutical companies rely on one dude to create similar-but-different-enough sounding names so that they’re all immediately recognizable as medicine? Is this dude related to the person who names new apartment complexes? Deer Trail,

    Well...it worked.

    You know what also works? Swishing the glass with rubbing alcohol. Done in two seconds.

    Still going after 30 years! Can’t be that bad.

    If someone DID see something, I’m confident most large telescopes would be surrounded by security by now.

    It absolutely boggles my mind that this man didn’t have the sense to think that a major car company wouldn’t have put a mechanical back up system in place and to look EVERYWHERE for it before passing out three times.

    Crack pipe but if it was one of these...

    Exactly, THEN we’ll see just how impossible it is to actually fix this problem.

    It’s an 88 with analog gauges.

    My people!

    We exist!

    Fun article David! I love seeing these once-mundane cars in pristine condition, Whenever I take any of mine to Cars and Coffee they end up being much more popular than the Mustangs, Corvettes, and even exotics in attendance. I’m a big fan of taking care of what you got, whatever it is so I’m hoping mine last a long

    How exciting! The crotch shots, not the content.

    And nobody in the audience booed or turned their backs to her in disgust.