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    I absolutely CAN’T WAIT until Claire gets this assignment and has to COOK WITH THEM!

    “My goal is that there should be a Star Trek something on all the time on All Access,” CBS TV Studios president David Stapf told Deadline.”

    Like most things happening today, this doesn’t make any sense to me. They want to kick out the migrant farm workers they say are taking our jobs instead wanting to allow only the best and brightest? What?! Do these people think the best and brightest are just going to sit around and do nothing once they get here?

    I love the movie but I’m not sure it’s the story, the acting, or the Grand Wagoneer. 

    In order to save some labor costs before getting mine painted, I pulled off most of the trim myself. This is what I found under my final edition grill.

    My ‘91 is in the body shop right now; they were excited to “devolve” mine for me.

    This technique might work for the one in the middle but momma wants to see over other cars so...you dead.

    Yup - Spinnaker Blue. And no bondo here.

    Ha ha ha! Well right now she’s in the shop getting some “light” body work done.

    What would you like to know? She’s a 91 with less than 100k miles.

    I felt like this car was built for me and I loved it for 3 years, then I had an opportunity to trade it in on a slightly-used G8GT everyone was raving about.

    Why is this just being marketed for Christmas? I want to install it in my guest bedroom right now and have it there year-round creeping out our family and friends.

    “There were maybe two other cars where I was at,” he said. Uh huh - the one beside you matching your speed and the one behind you waiting to pass.

    Nailed it!

    Oh look - the Earth really is round and nobody had to strap themselves onto a steam powered rocket to prove it.

    We are LOVING the brass knuckle cleaver a friend of mine made. Easily chops through all sorts of things with one quick action. The stainless steel peg board we installed a couple weeks ago is handy too oh and a piano is nice as well! There’s a lot going on in our kitchen in this pic since we are sanding and sealing

    Been there, done that (in Colorado actually). Hopefully it’s not a freeze plug. Hopefully, the temp gauge was working and you pulled over before the block cracked. I have faith in you boys!

    Not including Arlo seems a little weird since Gizmodo occasionally shares them on your daily “best deals” articles and probably how most of us readers who have them found out about them.

    @That’s @really @amazing! @It’s @getting @hard @to @read @tweets. @Now @getoffmylawn!

    Doesn’t corner well; terrible at stopping; disappointing MPG; doesn’t hold up well in a crash. It’s the most unreliable vehicle I own but it will be the last vehicle I ever sell.