I don’t know where Sen. Merkley was with his petty self all these years but now that we’ve found him, we are never, ever letting go!
I don’t know where Sen. Merkley was with his petty self all these years but now that we’ve found him, we are never, ever letting go!
This is some petty shit and I am living for it.
And Big Ben didn’t push to stay in Providence?
Man Pulls Fire Alarm At School
[clucthes pearls]
Man Pulls Fire Arm At School
Before Trump was elected, Stacey was helpful in the “we’re not racist, you’re the racist!” narrative. He won, so Fox News be like...
Oooh, SPN gif time! *Goes to the necessary folder, picks my favourite*
I can conduct entire conversations just using SPN .gifs
God bless Supernatural and all the cast and crew. They have made gifs for any possible situation out there. ANY SITUATION.
I did Nazi that coming.
He’s been delightful on Archer
He’s great in Archer.
Now, now, James. There are plenty of goddesses to go around.
Cheers to Jay for throwing something correctly.
is that high school-aged magary
From what I’ve read, Reynolds was a second mother to those kids.
I love how Connie Stevens brought the house next door to Debbie’s.
I get so tearful, still, reading about Carrie and Debbie, two complete strangers. Maybe it’s because Carrie was so open about her struggles, and her novels were so honest and funny, that you feel like you knew her and her mother.
I’d be satisfied with a Rosario spinoff.