Weapon X

This was good, Internet. Now lets change up the ‘Thingy McThingFace’ naming scheme for the next one, and go with ‘Jerry Derryberry.’

Holy shit +1, how did I almost miss this

I heard Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in that line.

I guess I take the “they deserve to be treated with respect” part to mean that she’s against the law, but your reading of it is likely to be accurate.

But, from what I can tell from the quotes in this post, she seems to be arguing that the law shouldn’t discriminate against LGBT people right? So, in that context, if her and some religious factions like hers either don’t believe sexuality is determined by genetics (or maybe they believe that everybody is somewhere on

Have you traveled to other cities, like NYC, Chicago, LA or even Seattle or Oakland? All of things you mention are more plentiful, accessible and frankly better in every one of those cities and probably a half-dozen more. About the only saving grace for Houston is that there are diverse food options, though very few

Wth, I come to doubt whether you actually live in Houston or have even been there. That is the most disappointing city to visit. It is objectively bland and awful. This isn’t opinion, I’m pretty it’s one of the data points found by the Census.

Fuck you Tom Scocca.

Tom Scocca. It is good that I now know my enemy.

Only your destruction can purify this world and sate my soul.

Wow, setting aside whatever happened before, credit to the LAPD here for calmly arresting these guys in the end. Not body-slamming, beating the shit out of or shooting two suspects who obviously pissed them off but were now clearly surrendering with no further attempt to escape.

Wth, after hearing him on Zach Lowe’s podcast it seemed like he and the organization were on the same page again, with Hinkie making more of an effort to be communicative and available to the media/public. I think it’s especially bizarre that this comes at what is almost certainly the end of the ‘accumulate draft

By the suns of Worvan...

I would definitely install a urinal if I ever built one.

Damn. This is math. Even if the ratios aren’t exact, it seems incontrovertible that the seat is needed down more than it is needed up. I... I think this argument is definitively settled. We of the “it’s easier to put it down when you need to sit” side have lost.


But whatever happened to the removal of shirts...? It’s the CW, I thought it was custom.

It’s amazing how much I love this show despite not caring in the slightest about anything to do with Vandal Savage (aka the whole point of the show).

Please, dude. Equal to, maybe. But not worse, that’s just ridiculous.

It seems to me that all of the Hand’s machinations are meant to setup and be resolved in Iron Fist and eventually the Defenders. Thus the constant reminders to Matt at the end that there are some things he cannot do alone. I imagine Iron Fist will have a similar plot where Danny will be able to deal with the more

I thought they eventually explained, decently well, that it was mainly the fact that the Hand believed she was their prophesied leader/weapon. And that, with her assuming that position, they would behave with impunity and the proof of their myths before them and no longer have any restrictions nor even try to stay

I think the part of the Hand’s plan that was actually relevant to Daredevil was about Elektra. Everything else, the giant hole in the ground, resurrection etc. is stuff that I’m pretty sure is largely there to be explored in Iron Fist and/or The Defenders. All of the emphasis that gets placed on Hand-related plots not

That didn’t seem like anything that called for more than a technical, which he got and was ejected for. Why the lifetime ban? Is it just because they think he looks scary (and black) or is this league just waaaaay more genteel and civil than what we’re used to?