Weapon X

That moment when she takes off her dark coat and it turns out she has a classic New Mutants/X-Men trainee costume on is just sublime.

Fuck this guy, and fuck the Yankees.

I haven’t read the Pulse, but, judging from Alias, Jessica swears a whole hell of a lot more than Luke.

Wow, you’re a dumbass, aren’t you?

I clicked on this article only so I could learn about what my Indian relatives have been posting on Facebook but holy shit... now I kind of wish I’d stayed ignorant of this one.

Isn’t the bigger story here that these idiots on the broadcast thought that Billy Donovan drew that up??

I was sure I’d be wasting my time clicking on this post but I must admit, that was kind of amazing.

Shouldn’t the title be Bigger, Badder and Less Civil?

I’d be just fine with the Netflix “street-level” heroes not showing up in the movies but Spidey making an appearance in Daredevil is a must. Or if the Netflix characters do pop up in a movie, again it would seem that Spider-Man would be the obvious choice. Crossover of side-characters and villains (ahem, Kingpin!) at

Um, don’t the writers at Jezebel know the subjects of this piece personally?

I keep going back to Agents of SHIELD and Coulson’s GH-325 as the link to the Netflix series and IGH. I mean, both are basically taking the place of MGH from the comics, right?

My favorite part of that page actually might be in the very first panel, where it reveals that this is taking place on DOOM ISLAND

Hell. No.

douchebag hadouken

This is the BEST.

Get back on your melon Faux!!.. Great, now I fell off of mine...


True, like I said earlier I’m not hating on the show but we can only critique based on what has been shown so far. Absolutely they can have the next five episodes unfold in a way that invalidates some/all of the criticisms of this episode.

The junkie kid (aka only interesting thing in the episode) looks like a young Johnny Depp. As most people have noted.

But did no one else get the vibe that he was acting like he was playing a young Larry David??

At some point that’s all I could see whenever he was in a scene. Though I am still not sure if the added

I see your point about telling the story in 30 minutes making it worse and pointless and I do have to agree with that. However, I feel like the reason it seems to some of us like it took too long to tell the story of episode one is that the type of character building that was done could have been done in the first