Weapon X

How did 23 people star this dumbfuck? It would be discouraging but then I saw that every single reply has made the point that this is a stupid pseudo-justification, so that’s a bit relieving.

She was bullied for liking Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy!??! wth, so glad people stepped up and did something cool for her. James Gunn should have her on as an extra in Vol. 2.

Yeah I feel his ‘voice’ is just him telepathically conveying whatever he wants to say. With how much more advanced he is, would probably manifest to the ‘listener’ as him speaking as they expect him to.

Deadpool doesn’t highway you at all?

None may stop DOOM!

We can joke (and will), but one day one or more of us will run into some person who is somehow actually allergic to crunchy and we will never be able to trust in our perception of reality again.

I didn’t know bees were spicy... Are bees spicy?

The only logical explanation is that the rocky-hide he’s grown is so large it obscures that area. So when he gets, um, excited... I’m guessing that’s when he realizes he should find some pants. Or borrow the Hulk’s purple shorts, at least.

Yeah, I was questioning why they felt they had to shoehorn in an X-Man into the movie but Colossus looks amazing and I’m looking forward to him being in it now.

You don’t. You just let Deadpool do it.

Okay I had to stop reading after the no-foam latte/cappuccino lady to seriously ask... Why do so many of you humor these people? I mean, yeah, I know, you don’t want to lose your job over one doofus, but still. Homelessness would be worth it to throw that plate of latte back in that woman’s face while saying “This is

Not usually, but I’m afraid I probably was this time.


On to the more important point, it absolutely is the Microverse. I had to have annoyed the shit out of everyone within 3 seats of me by loudly whispering “MICROVERSE” every time the sub-atomic realm was mentioned/shown/hinted at. But they’ll never call it that because, iirc, the Micronauts were a licensed

#iamlungcancerinhumanform is the best hashtag

It’s so cute what people consider realistic possibilities early in election season. At this point in the process there have often been comical candidates near the lead for one party or the other. But it only takes like 12-25% support to lead. Then the field narrows, support consolidates over a few candidates and the

The nomination? God I hope so. There is no way he wins the presidency. I mean, at that point I think the Democrats could run an actual Muslim from Kenya and still win.

I still wouldn’t vote for Hillary if it was Clinton vs. Trump. If Sanders wouldn’t do a 3rd party candidate I’d just write-in Elizabeth Warren’s name in the general. Still don’t believe Trump would win against Hillary even if every single non-Democrat liberal like me did the same. I mean, if Palin as VP was too much

Please have only the necessary amount of snark going forward.

You should definitely still punch him, tho

Wow that is some awful. Two people who are afraid of flying should never be seated next to one another, there should be a box you can check when buying your ticket. At least the first guy’s crazy distracted you from getting too panicked.

I actually like being seated next to someone who gets scared (but, let’s get real,