Weapon X

Lol, I'm totally gonna call one of my legs Deathlok from now on. To be fair, it said "Project Deathlok" which would simply mean the leg was developed for that project, which would make sense.

Considering I binge read while I was there and picked up about a hundred that seems like an irrelevant question. Clearly, people are reading them because, again, it is unlikely the stores stocked up solely on anticipation of my arrival. I'm not saying they were everywhere but I did find a few places with a large

Bullshit. When I visited Islamabad I spent a couple hundred dollars on DC and Marvel to escape my boredom. There were stacks and stacks of them in a couple of stores, they weren't stocked just for me I would assume.

No one has any questions about Peter Parker's parents. They're dead. That's it.

Your comment is both hilarious and sad, because it's true. Makes me wonder why WBDC doesn't just film a Batman Inc. movie instead.

Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification. Maybe I'll have a chance to get it earlier :)

That's what I was looking for, thanks for sharing the date! Not sure why I thought it was coming out this month but march isn't too far away, thankfully.

Why the hell is this interviewer taking the criticism that she is too skinny to mean her breasts are too small? Is this even a thing, that her breasts are not big enough?? And how the hell can he ask her that worth a straight face? What a fuckwad.

This show needed all of two episodes to become my new favorite network TV show (and really only one, I have a much higher opinion of the pilot than Rob), why oh why couldn't Agents of SHIELD pull off what Almost Human has.

Maybe they're stalking you because YOU SHOT THEM, and not your imaginary debate prowess?

Exiles is the most obviously TV-ready series (sliders with mutants). I'd love Damage Control though, at least as the mini series!

Well Rob, I read and re-read and know how it will rip me off but I still don't know why.

They're making a whole movie out of the season 8 finale of Stargate SG-1?

what is this abomination

Okay we have to be close to the point where Marvel can break Fox' license of Wolverine, if not all the X-Films, under the "irreparable damage to the brand" clause. They have done what no other foe could, they've broken Wolverine.

Wow, think this might be the first time I've disagreed so much with a Charlie Jane review, or with what seems to be the majority of io9 readers. While it was a fun movie, I had a lot of issues with the first Abrams-Trek movie, namely that it seemed to have very little to do with anything Star Trek has ever been about.

The shawarma scene was added only for the American release, like a day before. Remember that the film opened internationally (at least in Europe, don't know about China or the rest of Asia) well before it did here in the U.S. And to my knowledge it therefore never actually ran at the end of the movie in any theaters

Somehow, the typos only serve to make this post even more effective. Glad I missed a couple of 'Worst Episode Ever' articles so I could read several in a row now.

I want to bookmark this entire comment thread for summing up how I feel about BSG perfectly. And then just point people here when they ask how what I think about the show in light of its last two seasons and ending.

Considering the audience, it would probably be Slenderman instead.