
Is Greg Howard aware that England won in '66? Then he means, it might be the only thing keeping England from winning ANOTHER World Cup.

I hope this comes with an enema or a de-lousing. Afterwards, both might be needed.

Now we can begin our War on Christmas! We've waited patiently, and finally someone has built something which can be destroyed! Up til now, it's been slim pickens. Thanks, Rick!

When there are more articles about flopping than Parker's condition or Wade's return to form, the game is lost. Call me when flopping is something only fat men do into water.

Sounds like the first kid to get 10 friends together gets to rule XBOne! And god forbid somebody gets muted because they're having a conversation/life where they are sitting; I'm afraid that's going to lower your reputation inadvertently. In fact, this is one of those systems where you're going to have to WORK to be

Thinking the Microsoft PR machine has any idea how the military works is ridiculous. The boys at Microsoft still aren't aware that internet support is not feasible for many of their customers nationally and especially internationally. Only sheltered, misguided First Worlders would have birthed this excuse for a

Throwing the pig out with the bathwater?!?! Eh, eh?

If there is one team that can make the boy be the tight end he naturally is, the Pats are probably it. And with Gronk being such an arm-breaky, surgery-ridden lay-about, Tim might even be useful.

I'm waiting for the $500 Deluxe VIP ticket that includes full body rub down and Elizabeth Shue as my girlfriend for the day.

" you can use nearly anything as a weapon against zombies—and these weapons have some degree of customization." The old versions were all about weapon customization, and now we have "some degree of customization"? Either Patricia undervalued a major aspect of the game, or this version is going to be lame.

Why does this sport still exist?

How can a player ever think we'll back on his career with reverence when they flop? Lebron, may your name never be used in the same sentence as Michael Jordan ever again. You're not a king; you're a fool.

I expect online couples to be more successful/compatible over the long haul, but a lot of that comes from the massive increase in options. People who get to correspond with others regardless of geography or workplace are more likely to find lovers with more in common. In addition, I believe this will also aid more

What about going to a job interview just days after everyone saw you get eviscerated? I have a feeling the question, "What have you done recently?" won't be asked.


Cheerios suddenly notices we've entered the 21st century. Republican party can't be far behind?

Haha! Your name is Cameron.

I totally sympathize, dude. I have a female friend who was nailing this married guy, and he totally strung her along with "I love you" and "Someday it'll be us", but that special day never came. And then he dumped her for a prettier, lower-mileage version. And she was SOOO talented, too.

The grey zones are where people believe they are poor.

It's good to know that desperate harpies have a uniform color. Thanks, Jezebel!