
He was not president when this came out, as you commented. Being in and not being in office does change things.

My own pace now...

I do not watch any of these shows. I am more a Marvel fan, BUT do acknowledge some of them are pretty well done.

Dude it got to a point I had so many of those free disks I was using them as coasters.

Now... All I need is a Godzilla suit and three uninterrupted hours.


I mean seriously, if I am not first pick... I ain’t getting paid sloppy seconds.

All I have to say about this is I hope his agent is getting him a great last minute booking percentage.

Knights In Service of Sanitation?

*Slowly backs away from laptop, letting this argument go...*

That is a very valid point, and never dawned on me. 

Doctor Strange has pulled some shady shit in the past, so intent vs mental illness, or say untrained for whatever reason (Blame fear of mutants coming out making training harder to obtain)

In addition before said statement and retconning Mutants were originally the product of things like parents being exposed to things like cosmic forces or radiation making mutants REALLY rare.

Base homo superiority propaganda.

Do not be. You pretty much echoed my opinion word for word for word... with LESS swearing. 

Had to look it up myself

There is and always has been one MAJOR problem I have had with X-Titles is Regulation. It always seemed silly that they pushed this (The Majority of the time) on mutants, and NOT ALL super heroes.

You are right. There is nothing in the post stating that.

Well this explains why they fucked GoT ending it so quickly.

Not really. The reason they do DID the very first reboot of the Marvel, and in DC was companies felt that new readers felt daunted by the high issue numbers, thinking “Major Investment in 200+ back issues to enjoy the latest issue. Now it is just I got no clue, done because they let poor writing or what ever and BOOM