So it’s ego for composers to make completely new music for a reboot/remake, but it is definitely not ego at all for composers to expect that their work continue to be paid homage by all future composers who work on new installments in the franchise.
So it’s ego for composers to make completely new music for a reboot/remake, but it is definitely not ego at all for composers to expect that their work continue to be paid homage by all future composers who work on new installments in the franchise.
So.... Why didn’t he use the 1943 batman music? or the TV Show music? Why didn’t he use the original Planet of the Apes music, or the original Alice in Wonderland music? Hell, he didn’t even use the theme from Hellboy 1 when he did Hellboy 2.
xQc is amazing at the game. However, there are many streams and clips of him screaming at other players and being fairly toxic. Clips of him reporting and then hitting cancel. At some point it just gets taken to far. As a pro player he now represents the game and his organization at a higher level then just a…
Surprised he wasn’t banned for toxicity. xQc is utterly insane and is pretty much radioactive. He’s probably the only streamer I’ve ever seen that I’d probably punch in the face IRL if I ever met him.
Honestly I respect Luke’s opinion but you guys need to stop shoving it down everyone’s throats. Until my local stores decide to stock more than one copy of the obscure Japanese games I’m in to, I’m going to keep preordering games. I’d rather guarantee myself a copy than miss out.
Doesn’t this “ninja run” severely pre-date Naruto?
As someone who “mains” Mercy and has since the beta (and, sure enough, isn’t good with other characters), I’m glad to see how many people in the comments have pointed out the obvious: Yes, Mercy may be harder to play now. But she does absolutely no more aiming than she did before her major revision (indeed, the…
Zarya? What? Since when does zarya not need to aim, being good at tracking to keep her beam on target is pretty much equally important to judging when and who to bubble to optimally build energy. Mercy aside, three characters(rein, symmetra, Winston) in a roster of 20 something don’t emphasize aiming in the…
“thefuture hacker inspired by the comics superhero known (rather unfortunately in 2017) as the Mighty Isis.”
They still make single player games?
People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.
This. While Undertale isn’t a platformer, I think it shows that good retro graphics and actual creativity can lead to massive sales. Shovel Knight is also stupidly successful. The problem is that a lot of retro styled indie games are just extremely derivative.
Retro style games are completely overdone at this point. An art style that used to make games (especially indies) stand out now makes them all bleed together.
Its because Uematsu and Sakimoto have different styles in how they compose music.
That doesn’t negate the fact that Nintendo doesn’t give a shit about timelines, and timelines don’t factor into the creation of their games. They just shoehorn each new game in wherever it more or less fits, if they even bother to consider it at all.
To everyone walking out the knee-jerk “arrogant Sony” line, understand that it isn’t arrogance motivating this decision, but shrewdness. Or at least prudence.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia normally provides a solid challenge
That’s a noble sentiment and all...but it’s completely incompatible with Overwatch. It’s a multiplayer shooter that can only tell its story through superficial things like voice lines and skins, rather than deep conversations or cutscenes. Yes, there are comics and videos and shorts and other pieces of lore, but most…
“how can they justify that?
“people acting like being able to play a game in a language they don’t even speak and at most have a slight grasp on over their native tongue are just being douche canoes.”