
Oh, yeah, getting 3 marks for a strike when the base price for legendary gear from a vendor is 65 marks means you have to do the same few strikes over and over 21 times to buy ONE ITEM. Boy, that sure is FUN.

That MUST be Kat Dennings (Darcy from Thor 1 & 2) playing the female warlock. Same voice and style of line delivery

I actually find the Feminist Frequency videos to be very educational. I found out about the site when the initial Kickstarter meltdown happened and I've watched all of the videos. I learned a lot about feminism and the common misconceptions of it, along with the terminology that explains it. Prior to that I too

Excellent comparison!

I've resisted playing/buying Skylanders due to its money-sink nature, but I've always liked the IDEA of it, and appreciated the character designs. I've stopped plenty of times to just look at the toys and chuckled at the funny names and charming designs. I've been tempted to just buy one or two, just to have them,

Anyone else think the character could be Haytham Kenway? It looks like his face in the pre-order screen. He was raised as an assassin but went rogue and became a Templar (initially due to manipulation, but later by choice). He would be in the same era, and he was the best character in III. My heart is set on AC:Unity,

I'm SO glad they got rid of Plastic Man's super-deep V shirt and gave him pants and boots in the New 52.

I thought of Freddie Mercury as well. Glad I wasn't the only one.

It's free, functional, and entirely optional. No reason to complain IMHO.

HAW! Loved this.

Awww, I LOVE this. I bet this technique is gonna pop up all over the internet now, and I look forward to it!

Every time I see a post about a game that seems interesting and deals with mature subject matter I think to myself "This game will never see the light of day because the article will link to a kickstarter page". I click on it, read it, and there is the link.

I just gotta say... Cap's shield should be on his back while he drives his motorcycle. There. I feel better now.

I would completely agree with that, especially the proportions, but I thought the director said they used a bear physique for reference. Maybe he meant a bear was used for movement reference.

Wait... It's been some eight months since I beat the main game, but SPOILERS I could swear I remember there being some Firefly notes and/or recordings at the end that Joel can find that implies that there have been other immune like Ellie but all of their attempts to find a cure killed those people and resulted in

So the characters got in the way of all your killing? You miiiight be a sociopath.

Nice. I enjoyed reading this.

Why are they treating an overpriced demo like its a gaming event? I still expect a backlash at retail when people buy it unaware of what it really is, then return it very unhappy. That negativity will impact the sales of Phantom Pain. If they really wanted to promote Phantom Pain they should have released this for

HA, that video brought back memories! The robot gorilla! The robot hawk (I remembered the robot panther but forgot about the bird)! I'm so ready for the new game. I was before, but this gave that extra nostalgia boost, just like they intended. I'm bummed that amazon got Double-Helix, ensuring that they can't do a

I had to log in to like this post, and below my login I saw the "remember me" box, and I said "exactly" and checked it. Yes.