
The bridge that collapsed was an interstate highway bridge. Thats on the Feds, not the state. Call your congress-person and blame them for not passing any of the infrastructure bills that would have fixed bridges like it for the last 10 years.

"The dearly departed stadium is survived by Target Field, which has played home to the Minnesota Twins since 2010 and the Minnesota Vikings just this past season."

Worth Noting: Halvorson Design Group also won an American Society of Landscape Architecture national award this year for the landscape of this project.

But if you put the fans in a spot with no wind, to reduce drag, then there is no pressure on the fans. Basically, the only way this GAINS anything is if the turbines come out on braking only- like the airbrakes on a Veyron. Otherwise it is always there, adding more drag than the power it creates. And if you look at

Nope. By definition, the wind is pushing backwards on the turbines to spin them. That push is what makes the power. And due to heat loss, it will make less power then is exerted to push back against the air.

Nope. halfway across the screen to the pinned items from where you click to open the start menu? Too far.

Also give full window 8, yes with the tablet mode you are to scared to even look at, a chance for a few weeks. Its grows on you quickly.

Also Killian's is pretty good for an Amber.

Well, they own a brand that sells like 9 great beers, to be fair. And those beers are 95% still brewed in the original brewery.

Am I the only person who doesn't give a damn what company OWNS the company that makes my favorite beer, as long as it TASTES GOOD? Bunch of damned hipsters in here.

I re-watched about a month ago with my wife, who confessed to never seeing the first one the full way through. JUST as good. And I have forgotten enough about the two later clusterfucks to make it perfect again. (hadn't watched any of them sense seeing #3 in the theater)

True enough.

"He actually used a normal camera and a yellow filter."

Visible to your eye doesn't mean invisible to anything. Aim a cellphone camera at a remote control- the camera can "see" the ultra violet, it just thinks its really purple light. You CAN do they same with infrared. He didn't but you can. Most cameras can, its just that the IR is so relatively dim that you need a

Its not actual infrared, just a yellow filter.

I'm at a friend's house, want a pop for some reason. I'm not going to ask "do you have coke? No? Mntn Dew? No? Sprite? No? Ginger Ale? No?..." I'm going to say, "Sure, I'd love a drink, do you have any Pop?" Then they can say, "Yeah, I have Pepsi and Pepsi Max" Then I can respond with "Water's fine..." without having

Am I literally the ONLY person who went to a school where they taught us PERMDAS?

You are what's wrong with the world today. Fuck off.

As a landscape architect, that is a refreshing response from an architect, as most seem to think its just "shrubbing up" a building. Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

True, because seemingly being an architect means you are also a landscape architect, but being a landscape architect means in no way that you are an architect. But I'm not bitter...

BTW, all the parks on the list: Roosevelt Island, Superkilen, and to an extent T-Site are in fact LANDSCAPE Architecture. Different field, Different license. Just a heads up.