

Who cares what it looks like REALLY? It's going to be inside an entertainment center anyway. Click Bait at it's finest.


Architects? Nope, they should 100% go for the Surface. Moderate increase in price, ability to run cad, photoshop on site, and stylus use? No question, Surface is the way to go.

Arguably the fall of SOPA was at least in part do to the petitions.

It's to scale, it's also Chicago.

Skol good man. SKOL.

Thanks Giz, for reminding me why I stopped coming to this site a few years back. Lazy sensationalist BS at it's best.

Wow, really people? The fact that he is postulating it for sending an HD video over SMS isn't the point of the story. The point he is making is that 50 cents per text, when that text is a MINISCULE amount of data, is absurd. To put the TINY amount of data you get for the charge in perspective, he did this little math

No, because if you read the last couple comments, and ever look at ANY CC receipt EVER, this is the part they include on the receipt, essentially so if you have a few CCards, you can tell which one you used for what things when you balance your books.

Do not want. As a designer (landscape architect) those leader lines are TERRIBLE. you NEVER cross a leader line. A true clean design would have scrambled the text to make the lines, optimally, parallel. (Top to bottom: Twelve, One, Eleven, Two, Ten, Three, Four, Nine, Five, Eight, Six, Seven)

@LamyJ @Gizmodo and somewhere else my design portfolio is being pulled down because a site is scared of being blocked, and I can't get a job

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like then all you do is say your note, with "note" at the end...

I Loled

twice, sorry if that's too many on a page with thousands of comments.

As I just commented somewhere else on this page (From This American Life):

You should really listen to the This American Life episode about Patent Trolls ( [www.thisamericanlife.org] ) , and tell me after that that only patents that should be granted are.

Seriously, it seems if I filed for a patent on taking a dump I would get it approved these days. Patents are SUPPOSED to be reserved for cutting edge, new ideas that advance technology to allow holders to patent from great ideas, while sharing information to further technology for all. Its NOT supposed to be for

I built one last fall for 3D rendering (which just HAPPENED to time up well for Civ 5 and prep for BF3/Skyrim) Paid about $1500 but I have good future proofing, and I've used it to make money back, so I'm thrilled: