
Want something even gayer than Zima? Try Zima with any flavor Pixie Stix mixed in. I swear every girl in high school (SoCal) swore by this swill. We used to call it Pedophile Koolaid.

@Juancho: I dont think there is anything, sweet OR fluffy about those rock hard hooters. Gotta love the obtuse nipple angle though. Tijuana boob job ahoy!

The accuracy of the Philly fans in this clip is amazing. It reminds me of the majority of the Phillies relief pitching staff in the the Series this year.

...I'll have those sessions where I just wipe and look and wipe and look and I can't ever seem to get to that end-goal "white wipe" that lets you know all the poop has been dismissed. Those sessions are awful.

I actually prefer the rarely used sitting FRONT wipe. No "reach around" necessary and you get the bonus of a self-induced ball cuppage.

@TheStarterWife: See Drew, THIS is why you need to get off your ass and enter the modern era and buy/rent a DVR. The ability to pause a game to do an otherwise menial task has probably saved my marriage. And I don't even have kids yet.

@TheStarterWife: Aah, there is your mistake. Who acutally cooks food on Thursday to Sunday when the game (any game) is on? That is what Chinese takeout and the frozen dinner-in-a-bag is good for.

11. Is your mother a hideous hydra-beast or does she resemble Jabba the Hut? Because that is what you are going to look like in twenty (ok, ten) years after having kids.

@Clarence Rosario: Nothing spells hangover more than cheap half-liter plastic bottles of imported Russian beer!

@rulesboy: I wonder if anyone who hasen't been to the life drain that is law school knows WTF a Carbolic Smoke Ball is?

@VegasWasteland: They also sell this "beer" in carts on every street corner in town. Right next to the hookers, its a one-stop shop.

@DirkToberFest: I am a dad, lawyer AND alcoholic so I resemble this remark.

Even better (worse) than Swiss beer is RUSSIAN beer. Holy shit, this stuff comes in NINE different levels of hell. The best part is, the Russians drink this stuff warm. I'll admit I did too after four weeks in Moscow.

Those pictures make me wish I chose art school instead of law school.

More like the avatar of anorexia... sheesh i've seen a better set of guns on a 12-year old girl. #poise

Hummers!? There is never a bad decade for hummers