So how did you verify these are truly ex-GM employees? Did they show you an old pay stub or what?

Keyword here is "ex-employees"

Sounds kind of like... a union. No?

Where is the premium price coming from?

Great article. But you forgot to mention that even the driver team for one of the 'Vettes sported that most 'Murican of hairstyles. I give you Jordan Taylor and auto racing's best mullet...

I believe in truth in advertising.

I thought this was an automobile blog...not Jezebel

Oh, come on! That was a funny joke.

You should be able to get one of these in budget.

Now, before we get into the pros and cons of the Charger, a little background on police cars. For years – decades, maybe; I wasn't alive – police cars were black and white, and they featured one revolving red light on the roof. These cars were slow, and unsafe, and low-tech, though they did have the advantage of

God dealing with front engine cars as should be.

Why did you turn?

This ZR1 wont be getting rock chips!

Short answer: No.

Danica Patrick would be a great asset to F1 in that she would make Max Chilton look like a superstar.

I guess he should have sent his American soldier friends, suitably equipped, to 'discuss the matter' with the dealership.

Somebody call Ford up and tell them they need to put a GT40 successor together again. About time us Americans had another go at the title.

This has literally got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I'm speechless.