So this is from their website. Notice the magically hovering tv with the fuelshark on it. Looks like it was copy and pasted.

I just cannot get on board with Conan. His brand of humor and just his way I guess, is not congruent with mine.

The Center for Union Facts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by foundations, businesses, union members, and the general public. We are dedicated to showing Americans the truth about today’s union leadership.

Thank god



I think Ford is really the only one that has stuck with it. I love mine.

Yup. I use my keypad frequently.

Gotta disagree with the styling thing.

So, exactly what is the nature of the profit-sharing arrangement between Jalopnik and the dirtbag content thieves at LiveLeak? How much of a kickdown do you get every time you promote another one of their videos that they've lifted without permission from the original source?

I guess I'm questioning the round window in the first place.

Yup, just keep shoving that gay agenda down our throats guys.

Is it me or was the first car towing another car?

One of the largest money laundering operations in history.

The auto bailouts taught us an important lesson: Be wary of buying bonds in unionized companies, because if the company goes under while a Democrat is in the White House,creditors will get shoved to the back of the line. After George W. Bush bailed out the automakers, Barack Obama managed their bankruptcy. Obama threw

As a bleeding heart liberal, I'm supposed to be on the side of the UAW. I am not. The UAW is quite possibly the worst of them all. I have never seen an organization so short-sited and greedy as the modern auto workers union. Are the people in Tennessee auto plants being mistreated? Paid poorly? The auto workers union

Yeah, that's why it's exempt. My accelerator pedal is made of the hardened tears of starving children, none of that Chinese plastic bullshit.