
He can’t just support a show because he enjoys it?

Shatner has been a vocal supporter of Constantine and I’ve never been able to find out why. He live tweeted it a couple times, had lots of back and forth with the writers, etc. If anyone has context, that’d be appreciated.

I cannot wait for AKA Jessica Jones. Daredevil was so good, I can’t wait to see what they do with people with powers.

Police Procedural? DO. NOT. WANT. Total waste of a license.

Quicksilver is dead. Long live Quicksilver.

I don’t think they’re talking about that type of model, the kind people make for recreation. They’re talking about, say, architectural models made to show what a building will look like, or designers mocking up a prototype to demonstrate a new product, or theater designers making scale models of their sets before they

Many people I see online simply see Stark as the villain from Civil War. I hope the movie doesn’t do the same mistake and presents balanced arguments from both sides.

I said it before and I’ll say it again: Black Widow saying she was sterile was a direct reply to Bruce saying he was. As for her monster comment, she was saying she was monster because she was a killer, not a monster because she was sterile. Sheesh.

At this point you might as well throw the Agents of Shield cast in there movie!

No, they haven’t. They put the announcement date on Monday.

You have no idea how much I agree. I enjoy the Wednesday recaps of Agents of SHIELD and Flash so much that it saddens me iZombie doesn’t have one. iZombie is a great show and someone on the io9 team should write up recaps.

No offense Katharine but maybe if you guys recapped it regularly here at io9, might get more excitement going. Love the show too, just amazed no recaps of it.