
I’m more concerned with the wear and tear on the switching in and out stuff.

Well done video! He’s great with the explanations and doesn’t waste time editorializing about his life or politics like other Youtubers. Can’t wait to see the inspection and drift lesson(s).

His channel is one of my favorites on YouTube. The ones regarding detailing and regular maintenance are wicked useful. 

She later learned that it was just some random cosplaying her boyfriend.

Funny, I can’t look at it and not see an HTC design that Apple took design cues from and now everyone attributes to Apple.

I suspect it’s for symmetry but more because of DayDream. It makes it easier to place the phone at the exact center and keep it balance.

But you can write some shitty words and call it a comment.

Edgelording- Being or behaving like an edgelord.

If only we could apply this policy to non passing left lane drivers (looking at you Prius drivers). We could restore our roadways to normal levels of incompetency 

I think I’m not the only one that thinks Super Mario 3 was the greater game...

Can we stop with the “This year sucks” meme because some famous person happened to die? Wilder was old. To paraphrase Old School “Old people die. It’s what they do”. Wilder hadn’t acted since an appearance on “Will & Grace” in 2003. It’s not like he was putting out any more movies. Feel sad, yes. He was a once in a

Nobody expects the Spanish friend tradition.

Now playing

Yooka-Laylee sounds like it won’t disappoint.

I got this one guys.

I can help with that.

Sonic used to be a non offensive game that kids were given when not allowed for more violent games, so a bunch of people with overly strict parents had it as the only game to really obsess over ( give a few look arounds and youll find a fuckton of Sonic PRAYS art, because when you give a 13 year

My favorite part of this run is that he has his grandma on the couch supporting him.

Jim did give me my favorite line though.