
I am docking that guy a few props myself: why is he coming in so hot that he almost loses it when he sees the debris field? He must have known there was a crash...

1:11 Safety truck coming in way too hot, almost loses it. Then plows through debris field.

it is nothing that the U.S or it allies do every day around the world.

If the lead image is race-ready, bravo sir, you just won a Jalopnik or 42.

No hat tip? ;-)

Also, I know this thing is mechanically simple and all, but please stop moving the steering wheel from one side to the other every chance you get. You’re just showing off at this point.


Man, I’m sad this is over! Please keep us up to date with the adventures of your slow devil! (Seeing what it did to you, it really is a devil)

a truck that somehow—with its turbo V6 and 10-speed transmission—managed to score an abysmal 9.4 MPG

You can see how the surrounding air gets sucked in to the blast site. To fill the vacuum created by the consumption of all available oxygen by the blast if I understand this right.

Last picture: the water killed the hipsters, and made the Salesforce tower grow it seems.

I guess the biggest testament to your efforts is this: I don’t even understand why I have been so drawn to your updates! But man, have I ever refreshed Twitter...

Does Uber do anything right? #DeleteUber

Everything’s comin’ up Milhouse!

A stud or two broke when pulling the head the first time. Seems to still be the case.

@Stef you photog good

8:12 school children saved by not simply watching for the light.

4:58 epic parking job!

lmfao that was awesome!