
Stop looking at this from your “we follow the rules of the road here” POV. Rules are the government keeping you down.

Raphael, I do not understand what this means:

Looks like the thief got knocked out by the classic face-to-asphalt combo. Probably concussed, which I hear sucks pretty bad. Karma!

Hold on: you mean to tell me that the bullshit fees dealers charge for damage when bringing a lease back are bullshit?

What he said.

Love that last sector of Monza. The chicane you need to carry monster speed out of, and the Parabolica. Even in games, I am not courageous enough to perfectly nail that turn.

What galleries?

I have been trying very hard to remain level-headed and not freak out about the result of this election. This is not exactly helping...

I too need vodka and polonium now...

The recipe for stopping in the snow? Snow tires.

I absolutely agree. The tech is great, but is limited by the tires. No amount of transfer case technology can help it if the tires don’t grip because it is too cold.

Also, hill descent does not make your car grip on ice. Your tires do.

Correct: 4x4 allows you to go up a hill. But does not help in any way to stop, turn or prevent your from sliding down said hill.

Looks like both guys were out of position. At the moment of launch, the far guy also seems to get hit by jet blast.

So how does that Turo owner feel about The Doug taking a plunger and flame to his car’s screen? Probably not great. But the licking? ROTFL

Stanley is awesome! Ha!

The ISS twist is the best.

AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson suggests a shift to a salary based model, rather than commission. And Elon Musk has been making the same argument since the inception of Tesla motors. He has maintained that when you eliminate the negotiations process, the sales staff can focus on educating buyers on the various

Terrell: FA might have a shot with you at the helm. Good work.

Guys, this is a pretty massive hill, and it is icy. They failed to properly salt/grit/sand it.