
Normally I just stick to the basics using + and -. Anything with a plus before it must exist and it omits stuff with the minus.

Does ATT allow VPN over their network? Verizon had it blocked last time I checked (mid-late last year).

@beetlemier: Try Touchdown, it's free for 30 days.

@flyingace68: The whole system was compromised. Consider it all released.

@tgrantt: Log out... When you go to log back in the option is visible.

@luckycharms: I think you're getting at "do I need to change my password" and the answer is no. Should you change it? Yes because it can be decrypted...

Normally sites only learn once they have had a major breach. This is yours and I'm sure you will learn from it.

I'm going to die young... While I have long since mastered a quality fake smile, I never mean it.

@juansmith: Most larger companies don't allow cameras period. When I would go to larger data centers I had to leave my phone in the car. That's why they still make phones without cameras.

@Raidah: It seems to make a difference in when traffic gets going after a green. I saw them all over in Germany that way.

@Java-Princess: Oh no I was talking about the terrorists getting on planes in Amsterdam which is part of the EU ;)

@MattSTKC: That assumes you get a return.

@Jonathan Graft: What next few attacks? There have only been a few attempts and N O N E of them originated here so what exactly has the TSA done? Oh right, they stopped attempted attacks that have never been attempted. Riveting...

@KiteZA: Could be, but I don't like shopping. I mean I would go to the store to buy the item and then change my mind.

A friend came into 250k a couple years ago. He bought 2 rentals cash, paid down his mortgage to 40%, splurged on a bedroom set, a new driveway, invested 25%, and socked the rest in CDs and cash. He had no revolving debt to pay down so that was a non-issue.

@prr: I refuse to shop at Walmat or Sam's for that matter and haven't walked into one since 03. I would rather spend more at a chain which actually gives back to the community rather than raping it.

@Java-Princess: I don't think they have either, but um... You might want to double check your statement because last time I checked Amsterdam is part of the EU.