
The creator of Get Rich Slowly is splitting up with his wife as well. When your life is your livelihood, I imagine it is very difficult to go through these sorts of things.

Replying to promote.

My dad wanted to name our wheaten terrier John Cougar Mellncamp or Bilgepump. dates were completely off. This show feels like it came out a longggg time ago. Thanks for the info.

Our posts are separated by a minute. I totally agree about Kings.


I usually bike to work wearing a gym shirt. I pack my work shirt, t-shirt, towel and deodorant and change when i get in. I wear my work pants and shoes while cycling, since I tend to do a leisurely pace. On cool-warm days I wear all of my normal work clothes since I rarely arrive sweaty.

I can only speak to my experience with Trek. I have owned a Trek 7.2fx for over a year and it is a fantastic bike. Great for exercise and commuting. Sturdy too. Highly recommended.

I keep trying to promote, but the commenting system is acting up. Good comment.

Any new cyclists out there: Bicycle Tutor is an excellent resource for taking care of your bike. Know how it works, keep it clean, dry, and rust free. I'm planning a tune up for next week, and will be following Bicycle Tutor's excellent video guide.

It's a really difficult tight rope. In order for things to get safer more people need to bike, but people won't bike unless things get safer.

This is a really great question. I'm 26 as well and just started on my masters degree. After a few years removed from the "typical college experience" I've noticed how much more mature and focused I am on my education today. That's why I think, at 26, you actually have a huge advantage over the younger students who

I get what you guys are trying to do, what with misleading headlines and all, but it really hurts your credibility on the other stuff.

Tron: Legacy was very boring. The visuals were kinda cool, and the score was great, but the writing was bland and the derivative plot really didn't try anything new.

Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.

That's a good reason for my not having seen it. Avatar is a damn good show.

The voting conservative base is fueling an arms race in the primaries. Romney actually said at CPAC that he is "severely conservative". Severely! The competition right now is who can be the most absurdly and cartoonishly conservative, which really isn't going to play well for a guy like Romney in the national

I wouldn't lump the entire entertainment industry in with this. There is some spectacular original programming on TV. I'd even hazard to say that we're living in a golden age of great television. Just look at all of the good stuff that is either on the air now or has ended in the last 5-7 years: