
Yet people fly Southwest from Long Island to Florida and the Caribbean every day.

Hey, remember when Gawker did pretty much the same damn thing and it was “ok” by everyone at Gizmodo? How’s this any different?

Opera, limestone and sex research.

Suspects in criminal cases have a constitutional right to examine the evidence against them and understand how it was obtained. It’s called discovery. Kinda important.

Real question, I’m not concern trolling or anything: Did you have any concerns that publishing the metadata information would lead to your source being identified?

His grasp of economics is so truly awful.

Negative. These types of vehicles are normally driven by revenue enhancement officers. Cops who need unmarked cars for safety and concealment drive cars that aren’t the same make and model as police vehicles. There is no legitimate reason for patrol officers to be in unmarked cars.

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.

Give the guy some credit, he murdered that pre-game pep talk. Just stabbed the shit out of it. 

Sage Steele is a piece of shit. She posts her hot takes all time on social media.

Ham is confused.

-Unions didn’t save manufacturing jobs in the 70s/80s (not necessarily their fault, I know)

So why the fuck don’t more people join unions? 

Well judging by the picture, Grigson will be headed Eastbound and Down

So you believe in censorship?

depends on who you consider a “reasonable person”. Is it, by any chance, only people who agree with you?

Which part of his government spending plan do you like?

I think you’re confusing the desire to economize with being cheap. He probably can’t find enough interest or donors for the three planned.

4 houses? New Corvette for son? Pays tax with coins?