
But you can. Mythbusters had the misfortune of testing that one! They got them to be pretty shiny.

swype left, swype right. or press?

I've ridden my bike while wearing headphones and listening to music once. It lasted 15min. I couldn't do it. The volume setting required so that I could hear my music would cause me to be unable to hear anything else around me, which would scare the crap out of me. This is a horrible idea! Horrible, horrible!

Ah yes, you're right. I was thinking Spock at first, but ya. He made Spock acting captain and Kirk first officer.

1. I agree, fully! Especially on the bridge!

The car doesn't need to have THAT smooth of a ride, the "suspension" (for lack of a better term) in the camera boom/arm keeps the camera perfectly stable during any road condition.

lol no. It was originally Caboose (Red Vs. Blue), but then a friend called me TrainAss (A caboose is the ass end of a train), and it stuck.

My wife and I found out 3mo ago that we're having our first child. I'm sure I too, will remember the same thing.

This is so true. I remember when I was little, on Christmas morning trying to sneak past my parent's room, only to have my mom yell at us to go back to bed, and wondering how she did that!

We can dream, can't we?

Nah! The original Saturn V pure white paint scheme!

Is it a white Ford Bronco?

I'm sure PETA can help you with that!

you "raise" a good "point"


That could go very horrible wrong... Especially if your boss is a wrinkly 68yo man... But could also be amazingly good for that super hot 26yo female co-worker! ;) #giggidy

LOL Love it!

Beat me to it!

OK, so then any major conflict or event in human history should also be forgotten and never brought up again. Pleasant or otherwise? We should just brush it all under the proverbial rug, and never mention it again? Really? Or do you only want to ignore the bad stuff that happens. This is an event that affected ALL of

Uh.. What? I don't think that word means what you think it means.