I hope we can get more flicks where the Fate Of The Entire Universe isn't at stake. I appreciated Dredd for being so much smaller in scope, and I liked Skyfall for a similar reason. No super villain with lasers, but a tighter, more intimate story.
I hope we can get more flicks where the Fate Of The Entire Universe isn't at stake. I appreciated Dredd for being so much smaller in scope, and I liked Skyfall for a similar reason. No super villain with lasers, but a tighter, more intimate story.
While I do enjoy pointing out the fundamental lack of understand on the part of Warner Brothers as far as making these movies go, Sony is the one which will undoubtedly fail. You simply cannot build a universe of multiple films based one character. You just can't. I'd actually put Fox above WB because of Millar.…
Warner has all the same chances as Marvel did. They have a vast universe of popular characters, and if they ever found a clue, they'd kill. I'm not holding my breath.
You did yourself a massive disservice. Read everything up to The Other and you'll realize how horribly shallow current Spiderman books are.
Immortals was a truly stupid piece of shit.
These are going to dismember human limbs quite efficiently, looking forward to it!
Check out my throat brah, its riiiiiiiipppped.
The biggest problem with the Dark Knight Rises is that Batman had to come out of retirement TWICE. Not to mention the fact that Batman would NEVER mope and give up being Batman because someone died, even IF he couldnt fight anymore due to injury ie his leg, he would still be in the cave every night watching…
Ice-T gives a great interview about videogames and his background:
I can agree with you on that really old ass saying...but at the same time I also agree with 50 that the game looks unfinished. It's one thing to comment on a game and say it's trash without having played it but commenting on the games visuals after having seen it in action... I say he has grounds to comment on the…
There is always this odd dislike for rappers in the gaming community and as a Hip Hop fan I hate reading the comments when the cultures clash.
Trying so hard not to look stupid often accomplishes the contrary. The only time its bad to be wrong about most things is when you refuse to change as new information comes into view. Which you have shown not to be the case with your personality.
he brought it up though didn't he? i'm pretty sure the whole thing began and ended with him remarking about how he's missed out on a lot of new things lately, such as minecraft which he just started and which seems unfinished to him.
reading the books was wasted effort as it would only give you further perspective. By which I mean, just having read them does not improve your ability to judge their quality(reading them in their entirety that is). Sure don't judge a book by its cover, but I've never seen a bible with a porn star on the cover.
I'm assuming that Gods of Egypt will be set during Egypt's Hellenistic period, because otherwise it makes no fucking sense to me why this movie wouldn't cast actors of color as its mains and not just the brown mass of nondescript, subservient extras that they'll inevitably be relegated to.
Perseus fatigue?! Me thinks the stench hath finally reached the good sir's nose.
I know I'm supposed to think this is cute and clever, but really, it feels more like parent's trying to camouflage their "our baby is the *cutest* baby evar!" photos. I think it would be better if these just went into the photo album, and then came out when the kid's prom date/fiance` came over instead of going viral.
The teddy bear Chewie is a nice touch.
I blame Obama. If these people had jobs, they wouldn't have the time to create these photos.
I don't agree with buying clothes in January. Like it says, clothes are in very limited supply in terms of sizes. Saving a potential 50 bucks or whatnot but wasting 3 hours because you have to go to multiple stores to find the right size is not worth it. It's like going to Boxing day on the 29th.. you just waste your…