Hay, I don’t blame the snake for biting me and the snake does not blame me for killing it before it does. It only seems to be people that think they can have it both ways.
Hay, I don’t blame the snake for biting me and the snake does not blame me for killing it before it does. It only seems to be people that think they can have it both ways.
So, you are saying that she was deliberately trying to get them to make bad decisions in order to get more money out of them?
Here is the best candidate for a new Army light tank.
I think I have the culprit on video.
The corollary to this is that by driving a Pow instead of an Expedition Jason is NOT putting others at as much risk from any errors he may commit while driving. He could floor it and t-bone an F150 and afterward there would be much grumbling about how much repair shops charge to remove dents and no funerals.
The way I…
Did we all just skip the part where a car crashes into the back of a stopped firetruck at 60mph and the driver is not a smear on the dash and windshield?
Non-photoshopped humans may fit into the vehicle differently.
SO, was that the Jalopnic bump?
There are no mistakes in the drift.
I think you may have only described 0.1% of humans. For the rest of them the calculation seems to be (problem not happening now) = (problem will never happen). As proof I offer literally every noise complaint that is lodged against an established airport.
This thread became a physics journal so gradually, I never noticed it.
There is kind of a gap between, “Oh, I cant get flood insurance,” and “I will live on this active volcano!” On the other hand, people keep moving back in to New Orleans, so there may be something other than a poor grasp of statistics driving where people live. I suppose that there is a place on this globe where no…
Has life become anime? Someone get this girl a 100 foot tall robot to defend humanity with!
I like how you blame the people of Alabama when it is New Yorkers sneaking around the regulations that they put into place. They are literally dumping their problems on others because they don’t want to deal with them. The people of Alabama are helping New York, because it cannot get out from problems of its own…
Just because it is an optical telescope does not mean the image above is what you would see using just magnification and light gathering. A scientific camera is a way different beast from a normal camera and they ain’t using Kodachrome.
Pro Gasser
This is only moderately related, but I have been wanting to talk about this for a while.
Instead of optimizing only for lowest possible travel time, I wish I could optimize for fewest number of turns.
When I am in a new city, learning new traffic patterns, what I really want is to minimize my decision tree so I can…
Even so, this problem could be fixed by blocking either end (but most likely the upper one).
There, it is still accessible by locals, but no longer a thruway for routing.
21 gallons per mile or 156.81l/100km