
The entire premise is wrong.

I’m cooking for that I can make in MASSIVE batches for my wife and me, like lasagna (a pan lasts 4 days), enchiladas (8-10 servings easily), not-fried rice (8 servings; more if you serve it as a side dish), and the like.

Unfortunately, yes. The doctor would triage the situation and determine who had the highest chance of survival to determine who gets the ventilator.

I’m only partway through the game, but I agree that Doom Eternal definitely follows the concept of “more”. It’s so much “more” that I can’t track everything and fall back on “aim well with powerful guns”.

Geez... the amount of work and talent that goes into these outfits has got to be outrageous. I can barely sew a button back on a shirt!

Good. I hope all the old Senators die from COVID, especially McConnell.

You accuse everyone who supports the EV transition of being a cultist, despite all evidence that an EV transition makes the most economic and environmental sense. That makes you an ICE cultist. Turnabout is fair play, after all.

I shifted my company to that model, as we are a technology company and thus can work remotely without too many issues.

Oh god, that’s another goalpost move.

Oh my god, that’s a GIANT goalpost move. You want to talk about the trespasses of the fossil fuel industry while we are at it? Tanker spills? Pipeline leaks? Fracking chemicals setting lakes on fire?

Hold on. Unless I’m reading the very evidence that you presented incorrectly, the use of electric vehicles has some dramatic lifecycle advantages as compared to the average conventional vehicle. EVs compares less favorably as compared to plug-in hybrids, but the paper addresses that as well by stating that EVs benefit

Grueling, maybe not. Some jobs are just difficult. Working on an assembly line building cars is never going to have an “easy day” unless the company is doing poorly.

As a household who owns two Prius vehicles (one is the plug-in version), I find this to be an INCREDIBLY narrow way of looking at the situation.

Good stuff. I love how SonicFox legitimately has fun at these competitions. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him (Them? The article mentioned non-binary preferences...) get angry or rage quit.

My wife and I don’t wear our shoes into the house. It’s a great way to mess up the floors.

Ha! This is an incredibly stupid take.

This is the adorable, awesome kind of news I need to get my Monday started off on the right foot.

The author is warning readers about an unethical business practice. He’s not here to pass moral judgement on people who made poor purchasing decisions.

Oh no! Your 6 year old was upset by the people who told her the truth about what she is about to see!

I mean, it’s basically hentai.