
Although "phony wins" also have a Je ne sais quoi... a somewhat undefinable quality to them; very much like porn.

I'm just gonna call bullshit on the 5 year part of your fable.

...or knocked out his fiancee.

Thank you for this. It's magnificent.

Thank you, you're so brave.

You have me laughing so hard, man.


Don't eat shit... toss a salad.

Next thing they're gonna take our guns!

I'm giving you half a star for that comment; I endorse it up to the last sentence 'cause that chilli does look like shit and should be shunned.


Big blind... OBVIOUSLY!



Yeah, the best part.

Maaaaaaybe a little bit crooked to the left.

Still, you have to admit Boomer's Completion Pct. is way better than Gonzalez's, although Tony has an impresive no interceptions record. Maybe Gregggggg can shed some light on these fascinating statistics.

Man, you weren't kidding about the first scene. I made the mistake of watching it. Really fucked up.