
In fairness, it’s kind of actually true.

Video format is alright, maybe good for better tidbits, but I personally prefer the original photo post style.

Why would you make an article about photos into a video? The old format was way better.

She calls herself that so twig bitches like you don’t say it behind her back. /joke, from the movie.

Believe it or not, yes. I’m amazed people still use “pokes” though.

I couldn’t see a damn thing out of the back of the Alfa 4C. I didn’t care.

have you seen st. vincent? she plays a serious role of a stressed out single mother. she is really good in it. it’s a 180 from the slapstick comedy she usually does. the movie itself isn’t that great but i was really surprised by her performance.

See, if I was a dude, I wouldn’t even have said “I don’t have any proof.” I would have been like, “Numerous studies from highly reliable sources have shown that men face less severe consequences than women when they get caught bullshitting at work.” And then someone would have been like, “What studies?” And I would

Tonight on Top Gear.

Lets not forget that the industry also helped crash the economy a few years ago.

State of Kansas “You can’t make money giving rides unless you give us your name and you have insurance.” Uber “I’ve had it with you and your rules.”

Actually, a mid-engine, two-seater cute-ute with 650 hp would be fucking awesome!

When I saw the San Andreas title I thought for a split second this might be a live action Grand Theft Auto movie.

This reads like an Onion headline.

I hate to break this to you, but this is not out of the ordinary in terms of response/results from these agencies. Most of what I read doesn’t raise red flags to me. It’s just every day bullshit.

“If you have to be extraordinary, be extraordinary.”

P!nk was the first concert I ever took my daughter to, also in Dec 2013, when my daughter was 12. The only mistakes I found in doing that were 1) I set the bar too high for the rest of her concert life and 2) I created a live music monster. We’ve been to 8 different concerts and have tickets for four more this summer.

I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think he overreacted at all. You clearly weren’t intentionally leading him on or anything, but you must have confused the hell out of him. First you want to fuck him, then you don’t, then you really want to fuck him and ask him to go out to buy condoms, and then you tell him you

You had every right to change your mind, and you did. But your story gave me whiplash, so I can imagine a little how he felt. You both dodged a bullet. Chalk it up to experience.

You’re right. I’ve done it before - didn't mean to do it, didn't even realize I was - but I yanked someone around because *I* wasn't ready. It was shortly after the suicide of my ex. I just didn't realize how messed up I was at the time. To the OP - I am sorry for the loss of your relationship; it sounds painful. Give