
For those who are still hung up on the fact a coupe can only be a two-door:

Okay, that two tone just ruined it.

I have a dirty confession...I think these dresses are cute as shit. They remind me of the shifts Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary's Baby.

But alas, I am poor, fat, white trash. Maybe if I throw a NASCAR jacket over one of them?

You could, you know, invest. Then you’ll only have to pay 10%.

nailed it, the more I read and see in the trailers about this movie, the more disappointing it looks to me. Its going to earn money, lots of money ( see transformers 4 ) but its going to be a sucky movie.

I've been eligible at points in my life and never applied. It felt like cheating or something, like I wasn't actually entitled to it and would be found out and exposed as a horrible person taking money from real poor people... I have no idea. There was so much ramen in my life back then.

Some of us prefer excitement in the form of reliability. There is something to be said about paying 50k for a luxury car and knowing it wont need a major service in the first 40k miles. I am not trying to defend the F brand, I have not driven one, but I have owned a standard Lexus and will own another. Just because

What they didn't show, the countless other people they tried to use who weren't impressed at all.

It's funny how "Confederate" is a word that's tainted by one rebel government which dissolved 150 years ago while "Republic" stands for justice and freedom despite being used by the USSR, Republic of Iran, DRV (North Vietnam), DPRK, etc.

Why is this a surprise? She did R.E.D. and R.E.D. 2, why not FF8?

Yes, all of that, too.

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

Hell, I get that now in the nonprofit sector, with men who are my equals in position routinely asking me to do administrative work that is explicitly not my job and that they've been told is not my job over and over again. I can't prove that it's because I'm a young woman who "looks" like an assistant, but I can't

It's the beginning of the end, guys.

Don't feel like a crazy person! I am currently engaged and planning my wedding, and our budget would probably cause the judgier folks on here to raise an eyebrow (yes, we're getting help from our families; no, we're not taking on debt; yes, I realize how lucky we are). We just want to have a really fun party with

"Officer I was speeding because my icecream was going to melt"

*Uh...what are you doing?

All that said, it's very common for many professionals in America to carry two phones. One's for work. One's for your personal stuff.

See, that is the thing about kids these days -instead of pot, they take uppers like adderrall and cocaine. And then do things like write REALLY long emails about almost nothing, instead of watching cartoons and eating Cheetos like a normal college kid.

I've owned two Stutz's including the last 71 model built (which I am currently restoring) and they are beautiful cars! They stop traffic and I've never had a negative comment on the stunning Exner designed body.