
I own a WRX and I can be your friend

3 > 2 . Whether you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.

We judge each other a lot by our homes and judge each other's class position by our homes; homes are a symbol of our class..

It's pretty crazy that you need a prescription for testosterone supplements. I'm sure there are all sorts of risks and benefits associated with any level of testosterone, too high or too low. There's no reason to think that your 'natural' level is ideal. Why not just let people make their own decisions about how much

That's just not true, I cannot produce any T (birth defect), and I have taken testosterone since my endocrinologist "switched on" puberty when I was 12. He pointed to a growth based on my height and weight, and said "how tall would you like to be?" He did a great job of comforting a scared, nervous boy who knew

Intersectionality is a lesson that many people need. Think the Ivy can fit approx. 300 million?

I do, so that makes me at least 40.

I'm waiting for the Apple clone cars.

Why, why hasn't this happened yet?

I was going to mention this. As a rider I can't stand seeing other riders do this. I make a point to inform them of their asshattery when I see them parking. It makes the rest of us look bad (We already have enough to deal with on that front outside this crap). Sometimes I get people who play dumb and apologize but I

This was the car that started my love affair of exotic cars. Older and wiser I would probably prefer the Miura or even the Ford GT, but this was the first.

First of all thank you Jason for taking the time to explain the purpose of those lines. While most Jalops realize that they are there so that folks in wheelchairs can have extra space especially if they need to deploy a ramp, it seems far too many people just think they are an "extra space."


Yup, that's what bodies do after you've had two babies and lived for 40+ years. The fucked-up part is that airbrushing is so routine that we don' t know what mature women are supposed to look like.

Not as good as Blank Space. More standing on horses and stabbing things, please.

This is far better than the actual video.

Because you love them and you have lots of sex where you don't fantasize about someone else, but your mind drifts sometimes?

I think the author misses the point; it's not really about lying. It's about knowing the difference between when your partner is asking for honesty and when s/he is asking for validation. A wife asking if she looks fat is not looking for the truth or a white lie- she wants to know her husband is still attracted to

My C63 has 481bhp, and it's already a handful.