Are you me? I hold Titanfall 2 in the same regard, and it’s all I play right now except for Dead Cells...
It applied to special editions (used it on the Pip-Boy Edition of FO4 and the new $200 Fallout 76 ones), Amiibos, and other stuff too. Man, I’m really going to miss it.
I’d always felt like GCU was too good to be true. I also found out you could extend your membership even before it runs out, so on a whim last December I purchased another two years. Boy am I glad I did, because now I’m good until the end of 2020. It was a great run while it lasted.
I still have a Gamer’s Club membership at Best Buy through the end of 2020, so I was able to snag it with 40 bucks off. Hell yeah!
I still have a Gamer’s Club membership at Best Buy through the end of 2020, so I was able to snag it with 40 bucks…
The Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4 did.
The Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4 did.
I had a feeling they’d mention it, but I imagine it’s probably not coming until at least 2020. I wonder where it’ll take place? I don’t know enough about Tamriel to guess from the landscape alone.
The Triangle is so weird when it comes to its game developer presence. It has some serious heavy hitters, but it’s not really expanding at the rate you’d think it would. I hope more studios consider coming out this way. “We have an Alamo Drafthouse, now!”
Epic only really has about 3 on-staff character modelers at any given time, minus contract people that get pulled in for specific projects. Not to mention, the hiring process at Epic is extremely intense and involved, with little chance anyone who doesn’t meet their standard would get by.
This was announced when Labo was announced. It’s not a secret. But lets be real, not everyone wants to take the time to trace, fold, and cut their own cardboard to perfect measurements to replace a broken piece. In that situation, is paying 10 bucks for a prepared set with all colors and codes in place that nuts? It…
That’s the thing that’s so baffling to me. It’s a GAME with cardboard accessories. With the first pack, you pay an extra 10 bucks over typical retail game prices for six(ish) templates you can build. For the second, 20 bucks gets you the parts to put together a “mech suit”. On top of that, Nintendo put out templates…
Do you really think that modelers hired by companies like Epic have a “lack of talent”? Is that a real thing that you think?
Yeah! Fuck Sony for developing games for their own system! FUCK ‘em!
The door looks weird because instead of being on the back wall, it’s off screen on the left and open.
So I guess this sold out already? Only 38 minutes after the post, too...
So I guess this sold out already? Only 38 minutes after the post, too...
I would definitely throw Metal Warriors on that list, a game that came out in ‘95 from Lucas Arts. Damaged copies still go for over $200, with complete editions in the ~$900 range. That game is incredible.
My favorite story in this book is how he earned the nickname “The Butcher of Blaviken.” While playing the games I always wanted to know the story behind that name, and it sure didn’t disappoint.
My favorite story in this book is how he earned the nickname “The Butcher of Blaviken.” While playing the games I…
Man they also speak ENGLISH HOW CAN THIS BE