
Do you blow Torvalds?

And she should keep suffering said abuse. Little entitled bitch. She’s a poster child for what’s fucked up with this country today...That and her parents.

That’s what mexicans do...

Being Oprah is the equivalent of being a blabbering buffoon, much like being the president. She’s already a fool, no need in being more of one.

And why wouldn’t they be good guys? Just because they don’t believe in the almighty farce that the bible is and choose to believe in another total farce instead?

Meh...Tornados aren’t scary...the chances of one hitting you is minute compared to an earthquake happening in your area. I’ll take my chances with astronomical odds vs an almost guaranteed event.

One word........Good!

“we live on a warming planet” This is just a right now statement.

Sorry, the correct statement should be.....

This screams “I know our fans are a bunch of loser shitheads who will beat him to a pulp” So he’s in essence doing him a favor...

This shit has gotten so fucking out of hand. They actually had to let a...get Turkey onboard. 99% of people use this shit to get around things. If your blind, I get it but emotional.....fuck that. Take your fucking meds and go about your business.

“Richard Gage, a wide-tied former architect who demonstrates his understanding of structural mechanics using cardboard boxes” And what happens to cardboard when it catches fire......yep it burns and collapses. Of course if this idiotic fool actually tested real material he’d be proven so wrong but then again he knows

“The sense of entitlement is just too strong” this doesn’t just apply to blogging, it applies to society in general because it is true.

Tis true, people this dumb do not need to be a living entity though....

She’s still hot though.....

“two counts of possession of an explosive device” that IS a criminal offense.....learn to read next time before spouting off and looking like a fool. You can’t see the rationality because you lack some brain capacity.

Government doesn’t need any trademarked names anyway and why the fuck would you wait this long before filing? If the pussies had a beef, they should have filed before the team even started playing!

Wow, really lame but you do realize you are part of society’s problem. Entitled little shit who thinks that you shouldn’t be responsible for choices you make.

That used to be an option in certain states....

Except they really aren’t the victims.......they CHOSE to take the pics but they don’t have the common fucking sense to know that shit like this never stays private. Seriously who needs nudies when you can get and see the real thing.