
Generators........ People have no clue how to setup an electrical system anymore.

Not sure why anyone would do this with the amount of camera’s out there now. It also begs the question as to why people break into houses now with the amount of guns out there. Is it really worth dying for to gain a couple of bucks...

But then again, these fools keep choosing to do it.......So who’s fault is it really?

But she didn’t put herself in that situation or nothing......

That’s Californians for ya.....utter morons. Hell the amount of RF in the air already is insane. Cell’s don’t make much difference in the big scheme of things.

No, company should not be held liable. Your logic suggests that just because someone provides something that allows something illegal to be done is the same thing as saying car manufacturers should be held liable because they provide something that allows you to commit an illegal activity..IE driving while impaired.

Does she take her teeth out when diving deep?

But hey those morals aren’t based upon religious beliefs or anything......

“excessive drinking and drug-taking is encouraged; socializing takes place late at night”

“breakout stars in music.” Never heard of him so not breakout...

“literally someone just leaving a piece of paper on their desk instead of filing it”

Plus there’s the fact that you have no real data to back this up except for “exit polls” which are completely bullshit to begin with.

Bet her clit was huge though, LOL

If they don’t strip his Tour victories then Lance should get his back......

Just another day in the National Felons League........

Like who’d want to stick their dick in Chelsea anyway, skinny ass bitch.

It’s not, you either deal with those restrictions or don’t fucking fly. Why is that so hard for your entitled brain to get?

“n addition to being a concert pianist, Rui has degrees in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, a Grammy nomination, and is a cancer researcher.”

“You need to be physically immaculate to race these cars.”

But then again it’s their choice if they want to end up a veggie at 50......