TheEducationalGeek’re warped. You think people don’t have a right to open their mouths?

He’s right though.....sorry you got butthurt.

And they’ll love the middle finger they get from those companies when they ask something like that too.....

And it’s their choice so be happy with your own opinion in your head and shut the fuck up....your comment lends nothing.

Not staying in your lane- IE Changing lanes without looking as well. you can’t target a certain demographic based on race?

Obviously you don’t get advertising and capitalism. All advertising is a form of exploitation...,

Moral of story.....don’t be here illegally and don’t be a dumbass druggie.

Hell Rachael and Donna are the reasons to watch that show ;)

But more terrorist attacks......

Pink’s voice doesn’t even come close to comparing to Christina’s.

and this line should tell the whole story.....

You and the author....trying to politicize something that isn’t political at all..Typical

What a great but sad story. I worked with a guy who had polio and it seriously messed him up. At least he was able to live somewhat a normal life and hold down a job but yes this anti-vax bs needs to stop now.

And.....oh yeah he was a criminal but let’s not focus on that.

Suck it up you entitled little NFL fucktards, try being a hockey player who is fit enough to do it two to three times a week.

Two key words here...

And blacks can’t get over the fact that they’re not entitled or special...

And he can’t.....So what’s your real point?

Just another round of the “good ole boy” club in politics....