
And there goes the political reference from a requisite douche....

How about a big fuck no. Maybe don’t be a fuck up and get incarcerated in the first place. Everyone wants something for nothing and not to accept the choices they make.

Tis what you get when you work in a global economy and allow sources of shit from third world countries.

Moral of story......don’t come here unless you’re doing it the right way. I don’t go trying to sneak into Mexico or other places and they shouldn’t either.

Another case to blame on climate change..

Worked for Bill Clinton.....

Have to be a piece of work to get in bed with that mother fucker anyway. Does she even have a brain???

What history do you speak of??

What a joke, spending so much money and so much time trying to stop something you’re never going to stop. It has existed forever and continues to exist in adulthood.

More coddling of American youth.....ugh. Fucking parents these days.

Ummmm most don’t come in that way....irrelevant. Try again.

“it’s safe to say that it’s not going to be stopping drugs from getting across the border”

It shouldn’t be but women can claim harassment for basically anything now. Your best bet is to just steer clear of women....

Ok so here’s the deal. Number 1, you’ve got a place with a total shit infrastructure and completely unprepared for a major storm. Two, due to the ineptitude of leaders in not upgrading takes time to get utilities restored..shit doesn’t happen overnight. Think of the winter US storms where people


Why should we have compassion for someone who disregards our law?

Hmmm so maybe just maybe she shouldn’t have been trying to get into our country. Also, why should our constitutional rights apply to non-citizens?

Complaining that a douche of this nature can go on to have a lucrative career with millions of dollars. If convicted, his sports career should end immediately.

My wireless on/off by location works for a bit then just stops.

Should also apply to the crying babies who do the exact same things but oh wait, the NHL caters to their every whim basically blowing them every chance they get.