
Not here it wasn’t....staved off 100 degree days for a long time this summer.

What would that be?

BMI is a joke..

Should have been executed long ago....

This is just bad ass!

Almost like all other ride parks, going to be expensive as hell and only for 30 secs? Nah, not enough time.

Guess he got his happy ending....

Whatever douche, you’re anarchist liberal views only serve to make you look further the moron that you already are. Where’s the proof? Zero days don’t always get thrown in the wild, plenty of examples where white hats go to the source. But then again, do you even know what a zero day is?

They should be shut down just like Aereo. They’re doing the exact same thing. Of course personally I don’t think it’s wrong or should be illegal but you can’t give special treatment to one.

He’s also one weird dude.

Instead of propping it at a fucking conference, how about going to the automakers themselves? Not really a troll when it would be better served brought up in a different scenario.

Then you have no business posting in this thread.

Ethanol is a bad thing period.

Wow, someone realizes it’s a bad idea to grow corn everyfuckingwhere instead of the crops needed to sustain the people.

California isn’t all that. You cheat mother nature for your crops...dumbass idea btw, progressive policy? If you want a broken state government, then yeah that’s progressive. California needs to get its shit together. I used to live in California back in the 90’s and it’s worse now that it was then. First, you have a

Well hipster douche, you’ll find that true smoked brisket outsells and tastes better. Easily evidenced by the amount of BBQ places that serve it and the masses of people who get their fix there...

Here’s the difference with the common person, if we did something like this because we didn’t like our corporate emails system and sent sensitive info on our own and got caught.....well it’s called getting fired.

First, California isn’t worth saving anyway. Too many idiotic people and a state government that will never be able to get themselves out of the hole they’re in.

This shouldn’t even be here. If a brisket is NOT truly smoked in a smoker built for it.....well it is a slap in the face to the meat itself. It will never taste the same and never have the characteristics of a true smoked brisket.

MLB, please stay the fuck out of hockey which you know absolutely nothing about. It’s bad enough the NHL fucked up GameCenter and you can bet prices aren’t going to go down. The NHL would never allow it.