
Ventura is a pussy, always has been and will always be. He got his ass handed to him by someone bigger and more experienced than him. Why he thought he would ever make a difference by doing what he did is beyond me.

Hard to be a troll when facts make you squirm. You made yourself the moron with your statement because you have nothing to rebut it with. Come to the table next time with something because you went all in and lost.

Good for you, if you like wasting your time that’s fine because you nor the human race is ever going to fix it or put a dent in what earth has done for billions of years. That is the short-sided view because you can’t see the true fact that earth doesn’t care and will do what it has been doing. Guess you can’t

Ummmmm have you seen how long solar has taken to be viable and it still isn’t cost effective and can’t meet the demand load. Yes it’s quite far off until that’s happening. Same with wind. Why don’t you figure out how many wind units it would take to produce current demand...yeah I rest my case.

Ummmmm idiot, where the hell do you think it came from? Doesn’t mean earth stopped producing it, just means it isn’t enough to meet demand. Wow you’re really clueless.

Problem is, it’s far far off. Yes, keep researching and developing it but until demand can be met and it is cost effective, it won’t happen.

How bout because it’s true.....guess you can’t wrap your head around facts. It’s not becoming scarce, far from it. Fracking hasn’t been proven in any quakes and’s for gas not oil. It won’t run out in the next 100/200 years either. The other part you don’t get is renewable can’t keep up with demand. It’s a

Point is, it’s not going to happen any time in the future where any of your next 5 and greater generations are concerned. You do realize these aren’t finite resources don’t you? Where do you think these items come from? The earth produces them....and will continue to although unless population control is instituted,

Wow, what rock did you crawl out from under? Try and troll elsewhere hugger.

And what will that pollution do in the next 500 years...... not anything that isn’t and hasn’t been in place by the earth itself. Why worry about it? You’ll be long dead before any of it ever happens...

Nothing is going to run out anytime soon and until alternatives can ramp with demand...well you’re SOL. It’s not something this generation needs to worry about. Oil basically built this country and will continue to for a long long time.

Nice cover pic though.

It’s no different than changing your radio station or messing with your AC/Heater or making sure you’re gently getting your hot coffee out of the cup holder so you don’t burn your balls. Either way, it’s distracted driving.

It’s called “move”. If a tsunami doesn’t get you, a major earthquake will eventually. Either way, no big loss if everything west of 5 goes away.

So what you’re saying is hipster douchebags.

This is when the ship just plows through. They have no right nor legal standing doing what they are doing. It’s people like this who’ve ruined our country.

This is hardly surprising nor any big news story. We spy on everyone. If anyone didn’t know that before.....naive.

True but the authentication system is a far greater piece of the pie. Unless you’re authenticating correctly, it would never get to that point.

The ones who will profit most from this......Storage companies. EMC, NetApp, Dell, etc.

Guess I’ll see you at GABF then...