
She should be prosecuted. Idiot woman has no clue.

They do not control from the grass blades up. Also, have they been designated as aircraft? If not then they don’t control that either. The one caveat....most cities have ordinances against discharge of a weapon inside city limits. You’ll definitely get popped on that.

Either way, I’d do em both...just sayin.

Did you read their disclaimer?

It all depends on where the subtropical jet stream sets up.

Does anyone wonder why 13 and 14 yr old girls were showing up at Alice Cooper’s birthday party?

You’re counting on those psycho fools in Russia, North Korea, China to abide by any of that no nuke bullshit? You’re living in a fantasy world if you believe that. They are a needed entity just as the mass of Trident Missile subs out there which can obliterate the world on their own.

Linus is a douche. All he did was come up with basically a souped up rewrite of unix, people think he’s a god. Linux has never and will never hit mainstream. All it’s good for is server applications. For someone to say he’s qualified to downplay shit he knows nothing about is sad.

Balls, Big Brass.....correction...Iron Balls.

Ok, here’s your try again....Haiti was poor and had these problems long before we entered into the picture. Once again as I said above, if the US can’t fix their own shit much less Libya, Iran, Iraq...why do you think we can fix them. We owe nothing.

But yet China does the same and they can sustain themselves.

Heck, most of the numbnuts who join nowadays can’t shoot to save their life anyway. If you can’t hit a milk jug 20ft in front of you with a Mossberg then you have no business signing up. Also, if you have no clue what to do at a gun shouldn’t join either. Those of us who actually knew what the fuck was

That’s because Holder is a pussy.

Because it’s not the United States job to be mom to everyone. Fix your issues here first before worrying about other people.

I’ll never understand why these douchebags who want to end their life fuck up everyone elses day by doing shit in public, jumping off bridges, laying in roads, etc. I don’t give a flying fuck if you want to off yourself, but do it at home you attention whore fucks.

Women in the Navy have it fucking made. They get pregnant, take all the shore jobs and skate on down the road...screwing guys who would have had those jobs.

Ensure, ensure you cook the brisket fat side up. This allows the juices to flow down into the meat. Remember people, fat is what makes meat taste good.

So the porn princesses who do fisting never get back to normal is what you’re saying...

Population growth and development have ruined our food production system. Playing right into the hands of Monsanto and Con-Agra.

Exactly, they needed a proven concept!