
Hahaha, Nukes are first ones on the boat....last ones off. Radiomen, last ones on...first ones off. :)

You’re telling me, in the 90’s our HF radios still used vacuum tubes......

What’s the point of moral clauses/substance abuse clauses if you can’t enforce them. Fuck Richards, the NHL should ban his sorry ass.

For an officer, yes. For an enlisted Radioman....whole nother story.

Kelsey Grammar came down to our boat doing research for the movie. Funny funny guy!

The Chief in this picture was the COB (Chief Of The Boat) on the sub I was on.

Personally for me, It’s pregnant women.

And I’m sure no president has ever lied to the people correct? Classified information.....know what that means? Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to. Let’s just say firsthand information > most people’s view on the matter.

You play the part of the utter fool so well.

It’s about Cotton. Read up and learn some things before looking a fool. Who cared if American rebelled? It’s a flag we’re talking about and that’s what it represented. I guess you forgot that the North had more slaves during that time than the South and that slaves built the White House. Good old George owned over 300

That’s fantastic!!!

Glad you got to watch, it was a huge historical event. I have a friend that works for Space-X, he says they will get their shit together soon.

Once they found out that was the issue, I can just imagine the bad feeling in the pits of their stomachs. Personally, I wouldn’t have been able to contain myself.

This hits home on both craft’s count. I worked for a subcontractor who invented the Carbon-Carbon tiles and we also made part of the Shuttle payload doors. The day Challenger exploded, it was a very sad day in our shop. No one could work and even the old guys were crying. The thing is...we didn’t know at the time if

What’s funny is that you think the flag represents racism and slavery. It doesn’t and never’s called REBELLION. Just as the American flag stood for it against Britain. SMH

I guess you skipped over the part that the entertainment companies are the ones pushing this....Happen to use Domains by Proxy myself and have for years. Yup, think I know exactly what the article is talking about.

Yeah news to me as well. Hadn’t heard anything of the sorts.

Yep, that’s why the RIIA and MPAA are evil entities. Fuck those guys!!!! I’ll torrent, stream and you’ll never even notice. Now watch.......they’ll want my IP from here.....too bad they won’t get it....ala private vpn which won’t give it out.

Wow! Well done, well done.

Because people had relatives who fought and died in this war. It’s heritage..