
And so was the north at the time, you forget the north at the time had more slaves than the south. Don’t be a sheep, do your research.

Spot on but the PC/Anal society we live in today cannot comprehend this.

I like the sun zebra.....and yes...I’m at work!

The reason you see the corn stalks is because the good old feds are subsidizing it. They’re not subsidizing needed crops.

Exactly which proves that the flag wasn’t about slavery.

Still is the same ideal. So in that respect, no flag that ever flew as a symbol of rebellion that didn’t succeed should be able to be displayed again. Your logic is flawed.

I know plenty about CHL’s and in this state, it overrides Uber policy. You haven’t stated anything that already isn’t common knowledge.

You can’t enforce it, hell they can’t control what you do in a vehicle that is NOT owned by them and you aren’t even an employee. State CHL laws override this anyway.

Yes, because I completely squashed your theory and that’s all you can come back with. Troll on, Troll on.

Now, for the rest of the story....

And yet the US did the same to the British.....your point is m00t.

Obviously you need to do some research before spouting your mouth off. States can override Uber’s policies. Therefore, Uber isn’t in control. Also, are they going to have Uber monitors to check every driver? Yeah didn’t think so. Go sit down now.

The growth of population....this is one major cause.

In regards to Fam-Grams (Family Grams), 99% of the time it was positive news. In the rare occasion it wasn’t, yes the Captain would hold the information until deemed necessary to divulge. The one thing about ET’s (Electronic Technicians)....grrrrrrrrr hate they changed my rate but was granfathered in

Only problem is they can’t do it. Since you’re not an employee, they cannot control what goes on in a vehicle they don’t own. Plus, a lot of states have laws that would circumvent this anyway. While nice in theory, it’s not going to hold up.

Tell the judge to go fuck himself and they can’t monitor you 24/7 so piss off.

I have a Specs, Total Wine, Whole Foods, Central Market and Market Street close! Specs is only 3 min from work lol

Sprouts doesn’t have an amazing selection of beer like Whole Foods though....

President of whaaaa? Oh maybe the president of the dumbass women of the world club.

Well here’s the thing, so you utilize more of the “bad” generation techniques to build the infrastructure for the “green” techniques. Yeah by 2050....don’t think so unless you plan on building tons of more manufacturing plants. I don’t see it.