
I found that about 8 Level 7’s can take out an AXA. OMG that is too cool, thanks for posting it!

Love this game! Power to the Enlightened!

So where’s the baby?

Community (Dallas, TX) Mosaic IPA

Sure, let’s celebrate the girl who wouldn’t do as told and tried to resist when he wanted her to sit down. It’s so funny how the media puts things. She wasn’t violently taken to the ground, he did what he had to do to get her to comply. Society has gone to hell as it celebrates and stands behind criminals who get

Wow, guess you can’t take sarcasm. Have a nice day you uptight anal retentive fool. learned redneck as well. LOL

Problem is that all the ones I’ve ever seen aren’t networked.......good luck with that.

You know all those people put themselves into the situation they were in because they’re idiots and make stupid choices. For once, society needs to put the blame where it needs to be. Here’s your example mister smartass. Perp unarmed goes for cop to assault or take gun. Deadly force completely justified. You lost.

Women......keep smoking/vaping. It still is sexy.

Marriage should never be allowed to happen while behind bars.

Hey you moronic bastard, it damn sure is if they are breaking the laws and resisting and assaulting officers. I’m sure you’d let some criminal beat the living shit out of you if you were one instead of stopping it. Don’t armchair dumbass, put yourself in those situations.

True but not nearly as fast as an air cooled. Cars with radiators overheat as well but takes a long while.

Instead of focusing on how many they’ve killed, focus on the fact that 98% of them were criminals doing stupid shit.

A lady I work with is the stepmother of Brian Smith who portrays Will in this show. He’s also been in quite a few Stargate episodes. Nice kid.

Until that one person cuts over...then it’s all over for you.

Only problem with pallet boards is that they aren’t smooth and no one wants splinters. Sanding pallet wood down just makes it not worthwhile..

Lane filtering/splitting is just a bad idea all around. It is insanely unsafe and the only reason it ever existed is for cycles that are air cooled to keep them from overheating in traffic. People don’t look and will cut over any time they damn well think they can. If you are the poor sap on that bike..well you just

Yep, kids only know one way now. If they don’t want to conform or straighten up then “fuck you all, I’ll commit suicide”. Society has bred these idiots and only want to glorify and martyr them. They are pathetic. So sure, let’s fuck up everyone’s day by jumping off a bridge because you are mad. Typical teenage

It was a 13yr old having fun at your expense........